Her hair is getting so much longer... It actually wraps around the curler now... Yeah!
So we know, no more strawberries until she's one... But She just wanted it so bad...

My sister Kati makes the cutest bows... She is really the best bow maker I have ever seen... She totally made that braided headband... We tried to get a picture of the two cousins with matching head bands but neither one really wanted to cooperate.

We have a swimming pool at our house and Sienna really does love to go swimming, even if she doesn't look like it in the picture.

We started feeding Sienna Rice at about 4 months old... She loves the stuff... Daddy feeds her every night at 7:00 while I restrain her arms... If not she just wants to touch it and then rub it all over her face... I'm pretty sure she has the biggest eyes ever!!!

We took Sienna Camping for the first time up to Lake Alexander... She loved the Tent and slept in until 9:30. It was a fun trip except when I thought a bear was coming to eat us... It was just a bird making bear noises...

When I was pregnant with Sienna I found these tiny little scrubs and I had to buy them so she could match her daddy and Aunt Nicki... She looks so cute in them. Every time she wears them it just makes me laugh...