Sunday, December 20, 2009

Seth Ethan Sargent

***Update- I literally decided the name walking out of the hospital... He just looks like a Seth to me, and I know a pretty amazing man with the same name :) Man does he have some big shoes to fill***
"Dopey" finally arrived... I really thought he was never coming... spent the morning getting a massage and pedicure then went into labor in the cafe rio line... Drove home from Park City with contractions 1-2 minutes apart, picked up daddy, left the big sister screaming that she didn't want to stay with Grandpa she wanted mama to stay home, made it to the hospital with plenty of time... He came just before Midnight last night, the 19th. Weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces (I knew he was bigger the Sienna) and 20 inches long... He has hair, not as much as his sister but quite a bit, looks more like a Sargent to me, then the Winterton babies. We have not named him yet, kind of feeling like a bad mama... Hopefully I will decide tonight! Wish me luck! All I can say in Merry Christmas to us, best present ever!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Pictures

Every year for Christmas we try to get Grandkid pictures taken. I swear it get's harder every year (especially with 2 little girls the same age.) We had one of my sister-in-laws really good friends take this the day after Thanksgiving and I think they turned out great! It's so fun to see the changes every year and see how the kids personalities develop... The above shot is the only belly shot I have of this pregnancy. I was 35 weeks and I love how it turned out.

This pretty much sums up Sienna & Brooklyn's relationship. They are 6 weeks apart, Brookie being older and they pretty much just "tolerate" each other... But this last time they were here they did play pretty well together... I know they will be best friends and they are so lucky to have each other so close in age.
This is my brother & his cute family. I LOVE how this picture tunred out. I know I'm a little biased but I'm pretty sure they have the cutest kids ever. I truly love that I have a big brother and we have had so much fun with these guys. They went to school in Oregon the same time we were up there so we relied on each other A LOT!!! Savi is Steve's baby girl through and through and Porter was all mine... That kid LOVED me, even if he doesn't remember now! I wish they live closer but it's so fun when we get to see them.
This picture cracks me up... Porters smile, Little miss Brookie, she was so stubborn this day... And of course my little Bienna... We tried to get her to kneel down by Porter but she was to busy twirling in her dress...
Oh man this child... She was such a cheeser this day... But the good thing is, it shows her personality and thats all that matters. Plus, Granparents think any picture of their grandkids is the best anyways!!!
Thanks Whitney for taking these!
To see more outtakes or to check out Whitney's blog, go here

Monday, December 14, 2009

So I now believe that we have stopped this baby from coming so many times, he doesn't think that we want him...
I made it to the safe zone, I'm off bed rest so hopefully that will push me over the edge...
I really don't want to complain but I am so DONE!!!
Every time this kid moves I feel like he is sticking a giant knife into my left kidney.
It's really time!!!
On a side note Sienna got in trouble on Sunday night.
Daddy got after her so she ran up to her bedroom.
He went up to talk to her and she was hiding under her blanket.
He told her he wanted to hold her and she told him
"she didn't need him"
then Steve told her he still loved her and she looked at him and said
"you say you sorry daddy?"
Steve felt kind of bad after that...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy 11 Years Babe...

Today is our 11th wedding anniversary.
I can't believe we have been married so long. I know I say that every year but it goes by so fast...
Unfortunately baby brother decided he wanted to try and make an early arrival. I wasn't feeling good Wednesday night and thought I was getting kidney stones. By 11:00 that night I was hovered over bawling in pain. We called the doc, were admitted to St. Mark and found out there were no kidney stones but I was in labor. My contractions were coming 1 minute apart and I'm pretty sure the look on Steve's face was priceless... I don't think he knew it was that bad when we left for the hospital. I just didn't want to be one of those people who showed up thinking something was going on when nothing was... Needless to say I was in a little trouble for lettng it go on as long as we did... At this point in the pregnancy they decided to let me contract and see what happened. I was far enough along to deliver but they were still nervouse to have him come this early. I contracted all night until about 9am with the help of morphine and then the two doctors taking care of me decided to shoot me up with a small dose of the drug to stop labor... Luckily after that, they stopped and the pain went away... I was sent home with orders to only get up to use the bathroom and that any tiny little contraction I would need to come back ASAP... I was told when it happens it's going to go fast because I'm so far along so I'm just praying I don't deliver this little guy at the top of Parleys. Lucky for me my doctor lives in Park City and she said she would just pull over, pop her hatch and deliver the kid right there... Personally, I would prefer to have the drugs... LOTS of drugs! Baby boy did great through all the stuff... He's a trooper... They were prepared to deliver him Wednesday night so everyone was surprised I didn't go... I just wanted him to have a little longer to get a little bigger... We're hoping to make it at least one more week but Steve is betting I don't make it past the weekend... He doesn't think I make a good bed rest person... But in the end, I have to do what's best for the baby... Who want to leave the hospital with their baby still in the NICU??? SO.... Pray for one more week, that's all I need... What a way to spend our anniversary... 11 years ago we were just coming out of the temple. Now, we're preparing for baby boys arrival... (Who still has NO NAME!!!)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Due Date...

Well, D-Day is approaching rapidly... I thought I would be a little more prepared this time around!
I was so wrong!
I don't feel like I am ready in the least to have this baby boy arrive.
With Sienna, I had the bags packed, crib assembled, clothes washed and every little detail prepared.
This kid has nothing ready... I take that back, I did get the car seat down, that's good right?
I was hoping to go a week over with baby brother but at this point I just want him out!
I am beginning to wonder if you can actually explode with pregnancy.
Sometimes I feel like he is literally tearing my skin from the inside out! I swear he's going to weigh 30 pounds by the time he gets here.

On the upside, this pregnancy has been pretty fun. Seeing Sienna's reaction to the growing belly and the little nudges baby brother gives her is priceless. Too bad she's to young to remember.
The thing that I am stressed the most about is loving the second one as much as
I love my first! I know it sounds crazy and I'm sure my heart has enough room in there somewhere but it's still pretty scary. I just don't want to take anything away from her
or make her resent me in any way. It's going to be a BIG change for her.
She has been the center of our universe for almost 3 years!
I remember when my little sister was born. Granted we were six years apart but man I did not like that girl. I don't think I liked her until a couple of years ago.
Sienna informed me last week that she didn't want baby brother to come and when he get's here she's going to "hit him" Seriously, where did that come from?
My other major concern now is what to name this kid...
I literally feel like he is going to be nameless until he can name himself. I have the name that I want but daddy is not agreeing. I'm hoping he just gives in when he gets here and I get what I want. At this point he is either referred to as "baby brother" or "Dopey"
Sienna is determined that his name is going to be Dopey Sue Sargent.
Wish me luck convincing her otherwise.
That girl is pretty strong willed...
So, if anyone has any name suggestions, please send them my way!
I'm not lying when I say we have no name what-so-ever that we agree upon!
In my defense, I let Steve name Sienna...
So it should be my turn, right?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Thankful for this amazing man... Next week we will celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary and I can honestly say there are times that I look at him and he literally takes my breath away! I love when he wears this on his head, I think he looks so cute! I made Emily snap a quick picture of this. I'm hoping to blow it up huge. :)
Thankful for loving Grandparents & Great Grandparents. My babies are SO loved!

So thankful for these two. I feel so blessed to have them live so close and play such an important role in my childrens life. My mom is so great to stop and pick Sienna up after school. My poor father gets stuck with her on quite a few Fridays now that he has that day off. I rope that man into so much and he never complains!
Kauai - 2009
So Thankful for this trip we took with my little Nana before she had her stroke. The memories are the best I have & I love both these guys with all my heart! So Thankful to know that I spent 7 days in paradise, and after returning home having this little lady tell me this was the best trip she ever went on!
So thankful my dad & husband are the best of friends...
So Thankful to see this little face every morning...
So Thankful that this man has been in my life for the past 11 1/2 years & for giving me two
beautiful children & the best life possible!
So Thankful for this man... I can pretty much say that he is one of my all time heros...
Anyone who can raise 12 kids... WOW!!!

After an amazing year of ups and downs...
I can say it was a good year...
Wish Nana & Grandpa were here.
Love you so much & can't wait to spend tomorrow with you!

I'm thankful
For the blessing
And the lessons that I've learned w/you
By my side
That I'm thankful so thankful for the love
That you keep bringing in my life
In my life
Thankful so thankful

Monday, November 16, 2009


The baby Elephant was my favorite!
The Giraffe was eating the leaves out of this little boys hands. I kind of freaked out and would not let Sienna do it... I think this might have something to do with the fact that both her father & I are missing fingers... I just didn't want her to join this particular club yet!

We decided to take advantage of one of the last nice days of the year... We hit the zoo last week on the perfect 70 degree day... The only problem, I'm pretty sure the whole state of Utah had the same idea... It was packed! The new baby animals were so dang cute and Sienna had so much fun riding the carousel and train!

Look @ my Belly Mama

This is what happens when you are trying to entertain a 2 1/2 year old while waiting 2 hours for a doctors appointment.... You really have to get creative when you are stuck in a tiny room for that long. I love that it looks like her belly button is sticking out. She just kept saying "look mama, my belly looks like yours"

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Halloween was so fun this year. I loved that it was on Saturday so we had all day to play. We started the day carving pumpkins and decorating cookies and then went trick-or-treating. We ended up at Granny & Grandpa Jack's house. I'm pretty sure Sienna had more fun opening the door and handing out candy to all the other kids, instead of getting the candy herself.
She has waited and waited to wear her tinkerbell costume. She looked so stinking cute, I can't even believe how big she looks. Her favorite part was wearing the sparkly lip gloss. She was eating dinner later in the evening after all the festivities were over. She has been OBSESSED with Snow White lately. While eating she looked up at her daddy and said "daddy, you're my Prince Charming..." I swear, melt my heart. It was the cutest thing ever. Now we fight over who's Prince Charming he is. She get's so jealous when Steve and I show any affection to each other. I have told her time and time again that daddy was my Prince Charming first, that's the only reason she exists! :)

I love these pictures... Man she loves Grandpa Jack, and I feel so blessed to have such amazing men in her life. She is lucky to have two AMAZING Grandpa's and one AMAZING Great Grandpa.

Mee-Mah, Sienna & Grandpa Seth!

Spooktakular Dance Recital

Sienna had her first dance recital at the end of October... I'm not going to lie, it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I'm afraid that the picture above will be one of those pictures we put in the Senior year class video... They are all so dang cute!
I love the death grip Emma has on Sienna.
Cousins... Alyssa is starting dance in January. It will be so cute to have them all together. She wasn't to happy to sit in the crown watching her cousins up on the stage.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October Fun

While daddy was away on the Deer hunt, I decided to loan Sienna up and take her to Gardiner Village to the Wee Witches Weekend event. We met Aunt Nicki there and had so much fun!!! It was a little crowded but totally worth it... When Steve got home from hunting Sienna asked him if he wanted to come see the witches with her and get his nails painted...
She looks so big getting her "witches Nails" painted.
She also had a butterfly painted on her face!
Also that same weekend of the deer hunt, we decided to paint pumpkins. I got the idea off of Ashley's blog and they turned out so cute! Lucky for us, daddy came home from the hunt early and got in on the fun as well! I'm not sure if the pumpkin or the baby girl got more paint on them...

The finished product. I was going to put them on the porch but they turned out so cute I put them on the kitchen table.

This was at dance class. She wanted to wear her pumpkin shirt
And finally we decorated Halloween cookies... I am usually a better mom then using store bought frosting but this particular day I waited in line for 2 freaking hours to get the swine flu vaccine, only to be turned away when we got to the front of the line... Let's just say, standing in line for 2 hours while trying to entertain 2 toddlers was not the most relaxing way to spend an afternoon. I did not come prepared with snacks or things to play with, It's Kamas for heavens sakes, I really didn't think there would be that long of a wait. Needless to say, I just about put myself into labor and spent the night having horrible contractions 3 minutes apart!!!
We are so excited for Halloween. I haven't taken Sienna to get her pictures taken in her costume yet, but she looks so dang cute! Hopefully the snow will go away on Saturday so we can do a little trick-or-treating!