The black eye in the picture was suppose to come after the Christmas post, but since I can't find the Christmas film, I threw it in here... On Christmas day she was hit in the eye with the WII remote while her cousin was playing tennis... It was so sad and she had the best little shiner ever. Savana felt horrible but really it was my fault for letting her run around in front of her. We spent the Saturday after Christmas tubing behind our house. The kids loved it... Well, maybe not LOVED it, but I loved it... That is one of my favorite things to do. From the first snowfall I wanted to get out there and get thrown off the tube...

Her dad has shoveled the trampoline off after every storm...


Still a DRAMA queen!

Brookie is thinking she's CRAZY!!!
This week has been a trying week in the Sargent household. My almost 2 year old has become the little sass... Now some of you will say she has always been this way but I swear she's getting sassier... (Not sure if that's a word but just go with it...) I went to get baby girl out of her crib from her nap and I walk into her buck naked!!! She is jumping up and down yelling "mom, I naked" pretty sure I wouldn't have missed that little detail but whatever... So since she wanted to be naked... (and quite honestly this is becoming a BIG problem... She always wants to be naked, at the office there were 3 teenage boys in the waiting room and Sienna was stripping all her clothes off... We have had several discussion on keeping our clothes on but she's just not going for it... I really have no idea where she gets this from, it's so weird... HE HE) Anyways, since she was naked I thought we would go with the potty training. She has showed a little interest in it so I decided to try it... She has done so well! I am so proud of her. The only problem is, I can't find any underwear to fit her tiny little bum. Tonight she came downstairs after singing the elmo "you can use the potty song" in her crib for 45 minutes and stripped her clothes off. She went on the potty and was playing in her new favorite toy, a box from my dads new smoker, and she had a little accident in the box. I sat her on the steps to talk about it and told her that she needs to use the potty, not the box... I kept asking her where she needs to go and she kept saying in the cutest voice "I don't know" and then would say mom I want to hold you and then kiss me. That is her ploy when she is trying to get of trouble. Just wanted to document that, sorry if it was long... So all in all potty training is going really well. I'm not really pushing her, just letting her take it at her own pace.