There have been some big changes in our house over the past few weeks... We have moved Sienna to a "big girl bed". I am finally attempting to take the binkey away, she is doing so good with potty trainings and she keeps saying the funniest things ever...
Some of my favorites include:
We were driving home from dropping her baby sitter off and I asked her what she wanted for dinner, she looked at me and said... "I don't know... Something Amazing!" - I'm pretty sure she's seen The Incredible's one to many times....
Speaking of Incredible's. Her daddy did something and she started jumping up and down yelling "that was totally wicked!"
Aunt Tasia had Baby Maddox last week (Which if you haven't see this boy you really need to head over to HERE and see this little munchkin...) but I showed her the picture she had sent me right after he was born and she looked up at me and said "did she buy him at the store? Can we go buy one?" I thought that was the cutest thing ever... But was confused because we have been having deep discussions about babies coming out of mommies bellies and all that good stuff... Too bad it's not as easy as walking into a store and picking one out! :)
She is so dang observant I have to watch myself all the time... Steve got home from fishing last week and was sitting on the steps taking his fishing gear off and she went and sat down next to him and asked "how was the fishin dad?" And when he get's home from work the first thing she asks him is "how was work today?" Also last night Steve was watering the pea garden and she came over and asked "how's your peas doing daddy?" He told her good and she then asked how "her peas were doing" (We let her plant her own in a certain area...)
I find myself constantly amazed at how much she knows. There are times throughout the day that she says something and I literally just bust a gut laughing. I really don't know where she comes up with the stuff she comes up with. I really don't know what I would ever do without her. She is the most entertaining thing I have ever seen. She may drive me absolutely crazy a lot of the time but at least she can make me laugh like nobody else can!
She has been doing so well in her big girl bed. This is something that I have been dreading doing for MONTHS!!! She is such a good sleeper and I thought it would all go down hill when she realized she could get out of bed, but we have had no problems at all... She just goes in, lays down and falls asleep. Not sure how I got so lucky but thank heavens... Now if taking the binkey away could be that easy... She is pretty against the idea and I think she's grown even more attached to the stupid things. We are going to have to go for something drastic to get this kid to give it up!!! Wish me luck!

We went to the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale yesterday. I just have to say this has been a huge family yearly event ever since I can remember. We always did our school shopping at this sale and I haven't really been able to go to it for years and years. We decided we needed to create memories for Sienna and take her along... I'm not sure if she was as excited about the Anniversary Sale as I was, but she sure had fun! The night before we went she came home and proudly told her daddy that she was going to "the Nordi Sale..." he responded with "Oh Hell!!!"
She found these nice purple shades and I didn't think I was going to get out of there without them. Luckily I distracted her with a pair of Ugg crotched boots so I was off the hook... She's a total sucker for shoes~! It was so fun being with my mom and Baby sister shopping for the day. We all came home with cute new clothes and can't wait to wear them. I felt like I was school shopping all over again... But it was so much better this year, cause I don't have to go to school!