Monday, July 13, 2009

Fourth of July

Brooklyn, Sienna & Savana. (Brookie and Sienna are 6 weeks apart.) It's so fun having cousins so close in age... Even though they only get a long for the first 5 minutes they're together.

The 4th Of July is my favorite holiday by far... I'm not really sure why, I just know that I LOVE it... This year we made it to the Parade, Rodeo, and the Annual Winterton fireworks extravaganza... It was quite eventful and I would like to think I have converted my daughter to it also being her favorite holiday.

We have been trying to get Sienna on a horse for the past year... I was afraid that she was taking after her mom and would never ride a horse, UNTIL she saw Brookie, Savy and Porter riding, she up and decided it was time for her to ride. She loves riding Silkie and Colie and now asks Grandpa frequently to ride them. Luckily for Grandpa, her attention span is about 5 minutes so he doesn't have to spend hours walking her around the field, because there is NO way her mama would do it.

We went to the rodeo with Paul, Ruby, Cameron and Alyssa... All day I kept telling Sienna that she was going to the rodeo and she was so excited... (Even though she had no clue what a rodeo actually was.) I put her down for her nap that afternoon hoping she would take a good nap so she wouldn't be tired that night... After and hour and a half of singing I finally gave up on the idea of her sleeping and went to get her out of the crib. When I walked in the first thing she asked me was if it was time to go to the rodeo... She had lots of fun playing with Cam and Alyssa and running all over the rodeo grounds. She wasn't to fond of the rodeo clown jumping his motercycle over the trailer but she snuggled up to dad when she got scared~

This is the new crazy face she makes when I tell her to say cheese... It's been driving me bonkers!
Watching the crazy clown...

Covering her ears for the fireworks.
I love these two girls
At the beginning of the Summer we bought Sienna this pool. When we first got it, the weather wasn't the best and it was pretty cold up where we live. So the first night we filled it up Sienna's daddy decided he would boil 4 pots of water to make the little princesses pool warmer. She loved it and played in it for hours that night. The next time we went to fill it up the weather was a lot warmer so Steve just stuck the hose in it and filled it up with cold water. The minute she stuck her foot in the water she immediately took it out and said " daddy it's too cold, you need to drain it and put warm water in it..." Steve looked at me and gave me this look like, look what you have created, I just laughed and told him that this time he created the little drama queen... BUT being the smart wife that I am, I just told him it would be a lot easier to hook the hose up to the hot water hook up for the washer and fill it that way, instead of boiling a whole bunch of water...
Tthe little princess has never got into a cold pool yet, she can get her daddy to do pretty much anything she wants.
Man, I love that little Roxy bum...

I didn't get any pictures of the Winterton Fireworks Extravaganza... I'm hoping to steal a few of Kathryn's pics if she ever blogs about the 4th of July :) BUT I can tell you this year was bigger and better then ever... There's just something about grown men lighting fireworks that makes me laugh. Every one of them would run away after lighting them with the biggest grin on their faces. I am still shocked at how incredibly stupid they are, with Cody's Gas explosion at the beginning of the show and Steve literally leaning over the fireworks... (Didn't he read the release from the American Optometric Association on firework danger.) It's still fun and nobody was hurt this year so that's a plus... Also, none of the fields started on fire and Steve's BFF the fire Marshall didn't even show up... So all in all- Good times! Can't wait for next year!


Natalie Clyde said...

I remember the 4th of July in Woodland! Good times! That Sienna is a Doll with a capital D!

Mandy1 said...

I love Utah during the 4th. It is so funny to hear stories about Sienne, she is adorable.

Kath said...

That was so much fun. We miss you guys and can't wait to come back! I will eventually post the pictures, I promise...though it may take a few more weeks...

Tasia said...

The picture with Alyssa in the background is so cute. looked like you had a fun fourth. You need to bring baby girl over to see our newest purchase :)

McNeil Family said...

The 4th is my favorite too... (I know, I know, me being married to the king of Christmas and all.) But I always feel bad when it's all over because it just seems like such a short little day of fun. I try to make the 4th last all month until the 24th. But it looks like you guys had all kinds of fun. I guess that's why I never see you. LOVE the pics and the post!