Christmas Morning... Santa didn't know what a big hit the Snow White costume was going to be so he bought a piece of crap one and now the child won't take it off... Every time I wash it (which is daily) I keep thinking it's going to fall apart. Needless to say, we are going to need to invest in a new one for her upcoming birthday! The funniest thing was watching her walk in the High Heels. She would not take them off and I got very nervous watching her go up and down the stairs. I have convinced her that wearing high heels in the middle of winter is not the best choice, so now she will wear her uggs until we get to our intednded destination and then quickly switch into her High Heels. Another investment for the birthday will be a sturdier pair of high heels with straps...

We had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas. Being on bed rest 3 weeks prior to having this little bugger and then having him the week before Christmas put a definite damper on Christmas shopping... SO, Steve and I exchanged baby Seth for Christmas. I can't think of a better Christmas gift in the whole wide world. Sienna made out like a thief when Santa found her, I will have to get the Christmas morning pictures from Aunt Kath... Being the crazy, anxiety ridden postpartum mama, I didn't get many pictures. I was just concentrating on not hyperventilating during all the Christmas Mayhem.

The famous Superman hold

Her new "fake" smile... At least her hair is done in this picutre!

First time meeting Nana... I told everyone I was pregnant the night nana had her stroke. It's hard to believe that my poor little Grandma had this happen to her. Baby Seth loved seeing Nana. I just wish I would have got a picture with Grandpa Grant & baby Seth... Our next visit for sure, and hopefully by then I'll have a new camera instead of my camera phone.

He sleeps just like his daddy...
Mouth Wide Open!

Due to the swine flu outbreak, Sienna didn't get to hold baby brother in the hospital. She did get to see him through the nursery window, but I just don't think it's the same. The day that we brought him home she sat and held him for 30 minutes. I've never seen this child sit in the same place for that long... EVER!!! She kept rubbing his head and giving him kisses. I am very paranoid about letting her kiss other peoples babies, because frankly I don't want kids kissing my baby, so she kept looking up at me asking for permission to kiss him. I told her she could kiss him whenever she wanted, as long as she wasn't sick... Unfortunatly, she is now sick, but so is the baby. So much for being the over-paranoid mom trying to get him through the first couple of months without getting sick... :(

Sienna's baby had to get in on the feeding. I find myself in the position A LOT... Me feeding brother and Sienna snuggled up next to me.

I told Steve today that my definition of love is pretty much this picture. The only thing that would define it even better would be to have Sienna in the picture as well. I can't look at the 3 members of my family without literally swelling with pride. I often just burst into tears because I can't believe how much I can love these 3 people. My biggest fear before having Seth was that I wouldn't be able to love him as much as I love Sienna. My mom and Steve would get so mad at me telling me to stop saying that, but it really was a fear of mine... Now, I can't imagine how I could think that. I guess the heart can love more then you think...

I know this picture is blurry but I thought it was pretty funny. It looks like baby brother is kicking her butt!!!
Sienna has been suprisingly good with the baby around. I thought for sure we were going to have major issues, especially after Steve went back to work. He was able to take the first week off to spend time with us and it was hard to send him back to work. We had a few melt downs in the morning when Sienna would wake up and realize daddy wasn't home, but other then a few minor meltdowns. Last week she did grab her boobs and inform us her milk was coming in, and the promptly out her baby up to nurse... That waspretty funny. And then while I was feeding him, she wanted her milk re-filled right then and when I didn't do it fast enough she threw her sippy cup at me and hit brother in the head. But other then that she pretty much just worships the kid. The minute he starts to cry, she comes running saying "it's okay sweetie" in this high pitched voice that makes me laugh every time...It's hard juggling the two kids... I often feel like i'm neglecting Sienna and being really impatient with her. She actually informed me I was being impatient with her. I think we'll get it down in the coming weeks but it is a big adjustment. I really don't know how people have more then two kids!!! You all are amazing if you can do it!