Friday, January 22, 2010

Flashback to 1 year ago...

One year ago we were Here....

This year... Worst day ever with baby bug!

So last year at this time we were in Kauai...
This year...
Primary Childrens Hospital with a baby boy
who was not ever a thought while in Kauai last year!!!
Seth has been sick for the past week & a half. I took him to the doctor and he had an ear infection so we started antibiotics. After a week of that he still had a fever... We went back to the doctor and the ears looked fine so she told us to watch him. Two days later, the fever would not break so back to the doctor. They ended up sending us to Primarys. After blood draws, IV's catheters and a spinal tap that they had to do twice because the first one had blood in it, he was diagnosed with metopneumovirus & bronchilitis. Let's just say, it wasn't the best two days. It was so sad holding my little mans hands through all the pokes and crap they put him through. Thank heavens we live so close to such an amazing facility that specializes in kids. The nurses were AMAZING and that made the stay a little easier. I actually did pretty well until Steve got there after all the tests were run. He waslked in and I lost it. RSV season started the week before so the hospital was packed. We ended up in a shared room with a Meth Whore (Steve's words, not mine) Her baby was SOOOO sick! It was the saddest thing ever. She would cry in the night and the mom wouldn't even get her out of the crib to console her. She would page the nurses to come and cosonle her baby. Huge difference between her and I. Her baby spent the ENITRE time in the crib, my baby didn't spend any time in the crip. He was always in one of our arms being loved and cosoled. Luckily (not really for her but for me) Tasia & Jeremy were downstairs with Emma so I felt a little support knowing she was just downstairs, even though it sucked for her having Emma with RSV again. The doctor let me know he would need to be locked in a room for the rest of the winter. This made me feel good because it's been world war 3 around here between Steve and I. I have wanted to have everyone kept out... Especially kids!!! He thought I was acting like a hormonal crazy person! It was nice to have a doctor inform him that I was actually really smart in my thinking and correct... So, as much as I love everyone... Please stay away until May! ;) I just can't chance getting the little guy sick. Unfortunately Sienna will be on lock down as well... If she goes out, she can bring in back home... Can't chance that either. He is doing better now, and he's oh so cute! I promise to post lots of pictures. But I can say, I sure wish we were in Kauai, not in this snow packed, RSV infected NIGHTMARE!!!


Ashley Bogard said...

I am soooo sorry! I hope he gets well soon. That is the worst to watch your kid go through something like that. We'll be thinking of your fam.

The Richards family said...

Oh Stacy I hope you all get feeling better and stay better. Poor little guy.Let me know if I can do anything!