Sienna had a fabulous birthday... I can't beleive that my sweet baby girl is 3. I know it sounds cliche but it really feels like we were just bringing her home from the hospital last month. I took her to her 3 year old check up today and here are her stats:
Height: 3' 2" = 75%
Weight: 27 lbs 8 oz = 20 %
Some fun facts about my little princess:
- Her favorite movie is Snow white & Cinderella
- Whenever the movie Cinderella gets to the part where the Ugly Step Sisters rips apart Cinderellas dress, she runs upstairs crying
- Same thing happens when the seven dwarfs are standing around Snow White's coffin crying.
- She has learned to verbalize her anger and frustration very well. She used to growl at us when she was mad, now she tells me "i'm very angry and you" or "I'm very mad at you"
- She is quite the litte negotiator. We have learned the only thing that works with discipline is to take her favorite things away. Last week I was headed to exercise and Sienna had her Cinderella doll and Snow White doll taken away during the day. The minute I walked out the door Sienna was telling her daddy to get the dolls down while mom was gone because "she will never know because she's not home..."
- She's really into dressing up in all things. Whenever she puts a dress on she will twirl around and say "look at my beautiful dress... It's just like Snow Whites..."
- She loves Miss Spiders Sunny Patch & Clifford the Big Red Dog...
-She calls her baby brother Little man and every morning comes into my bedroom cooing at him saying "how's my handsome little man?"
- She loves reading books with her daddy at night. One book often turns into 10 books and her most favorite books she has memorized and if you stop reading she will pick up where you left off.
- Whenever she sees Grandpa Seth or Grandpa Jack she will hide by putting her hands over her eyes. She's still at the stage where she thinks if she can't see you, you can't see her.
- She sings absolutely EVERYTHING and I'm not going to lie, she's not the best singer. Her favorite songs include the snow white song "I'm wishing" and the Cinderella song that the mice sing... Sienna's version of the Cinderella song goes like this...
"Cinderelli cinderelli Night and day it's cinderelli,
she's on fire, she's on fire
do the dishes, do the laundry...
She goes around in circles and she's really really dizzy..."
- She LOVES her daddy but unfortunately he got the first "I hate my daddy" last week after placing her on time out... Seriously it about broke his heart.
I feel so lucky that she chose me to be her mom... It's been a challenge, no lie there, but I worthwhile challenge. My mom & dad prayed I would get a child just like me and they are now feeling guilty for wishing that upon me. She is stubborn and hard headed and as independent and it gets. Everything she does is done on her terms and there is no way around it. Even with the challenges that arise from our clashing personalities, (since we are pretty much the same in every way possible) it's still worth it and I feel so lucky to learn a little more about myself everyday through her. I have decided to live vicariously through my baby girl and want to sign her up for Ariel ski Jumping... Do you thing 3 is to early to start training? Wait, maybe I better teach her how to ski first... Hopefully by her next birthday she will be an excellent ski jumper... Here's to another eventful and trying year with my sweet Sienna Bienna... We really do love you so much baby girl and I wake up every morning wondering what you are going to make me laugh about that day!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Height: 3' 2" = 75%
Weight: 27 lbs 8 oz = 20 %
Some fun facts about my little princess:
- Her favorite movie is Snow white & Cinderella
- Whenever the movie Cinderella gets to the part where the Ugly Step Sisters rips apart Cinderellas dress, she runs upstairs crying
- Same thing happens when the seven dwarfs are standing around Snow White's coffin crying.
- She has learned to verbalize her anger and frustration very well. She used to growl at us when she was mad, now she tells me "i'm very angry and you" or "I'm very mad at you"
- She is quite the litte negotiator. We have learned the only thing that works with discipline is to take her favorite things away. Last week I was headed to exercise and Sienna had her Cinderella doll and Snow White doll taken away during the day. The minute I walked out the door Sienna was telling her daddy to get the dolls down while mom was gone because "she will never know because she's not home..."
- She's really into dressing up in all things. Whenever she puts a dress on she will twirl around and say "look at my beautiful dress... It's just like Snow Whites..."
- She loves Miss Spiders Sunny Patch & Clifford the Big Red Dog...
-She calls her baby brother Little man and every morning comes into my bedroom cooing at him saying "how's my handsome little man?"
- She loves reading books with her daddy at night. One book often turns into 10 books and her most favorite books she has memorized and if you stop reading she will pick up where you left off.
- Whenever she sees Grandpa Seth or Grandpa Jack she will hide by putting her hands over her eyes. She's still at the stage where she thinks if she can't see you, you can't see her.
- She sings absolutely EVERYTHING and I'm not going to lie, she's not the best singer. Her favorite songs include the snow white song "I'm wishing" and the Cinderella song that the mice sing... Sienna's version of the Cinderella song goes like this...
"Cinderelli cinderelli Night and day it's cinderelli,
she's on fire, she's on fire
do the dishes, do the laundry...
She goes around in circles and she's really really dizzy..."
- She LOVES her daddy but unfortunately he got the first "I hate my daddy" last week after placing her on time out... Seriously it about broke his heart.
I feel so lucky that she chose me to be her mom... It's been a challenge, no lie there, but I worthwhile challenge. My mom & dad prayed I would get a child just like me and they are now feeling guilty for wishing that upon me. She is stubborn and hard headed and as independent and it gets. Everything she does is done on her terms and there is no way around it. Even with the challenges that arise from our clashing personalities, (since we are pretty much the same in every way possible) it's still worth it and I feel so lucky to learn a little more about myself everyday through her. I have decided to live vicariously through my baby girl and want to sign her up for Ariel ski Jumping... Do you thing 3 is to early to start training? Wait, maybe I better teach her how to ski first... Hopefully by her next birthday she will be an excellent ski jumper... Here's to another eventful and trying year with my sweet Sienna Bienna... We really do love you so much baby girl and I wake up every morning wondering what you are going to make me laugh about that day!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Her cake turned out soooo cute! Maybe I will tell Brooke to make me a cake like that for my birthday :)
The girls had a great time at the princess party. You are amazing, it was a wonderful experience for all.
love ya tons
What a sweet girl! The party looks great and I can only imagine the fun the girls had.
P.S. Jack weighs 32 lbs and is 2 years old!
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