Summer Roundup...
- Sienna spent the good part of her summer dressing her little brother up in all sorts of outfits. I would often leave the room and return to find him in bows, feathers, wings, tutus and princess dresses...
- Every Thursday we would meet Grandpa & daddy at the farmers market in Heber. Sienna would usually get her face painted and baby Seth would try to eat as much stuff as we would possible give him... I have learned that this kid is going to be a HUGE eater...
-We went hunting a few times and camped out one night with Paul, Ruby, Alyssa, Cam, Mike, Camille, Brayden & Blake... Seth loved riding in the ranger looking for Deer and Elk and Sienna like getting really dirty with the boys... One thing that was new to our house was playing pirates... Up until this point we have only played princess...
- I was talking to Sienna and asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween... She informed me that she wanted to be Ariel and wanted little man to be Prince Eric "so he could fall in love with her."
Aunt Nicki announced that she was expecting a baby the night of the big twilight premier... She later found out that she was having a girl. When I told Sienna that Aunt Nicki was having a baby girl she told me that we could give little man to Nicki and keep her baby girl... She really wants a sister!
- I decided to become domestic and bottled tomatoes. Grandma Barb taught us how to do it and we are now the proud owner of 78 bottles of tomatoes. I was really proud of what we accomplished and can't wait to bust the first one open in a few weeks. There's a huge sense of accomplishment knowing I did something to support the fam during the winter months... And if all else fails we can live off the bottled tomatoes...
- We are looking forward to football season. I was nice enough to buy Utes & Cougar clothing to show our support... BUT I refuse to actually dress the kids in the cougar outfits. The only way they will wear them is if they're daddy gets them ready!
- Sienna started Pre-School and she is having so much fun. It's nice to send her off to spend time with kids her own age. She is learning so much and having so much fun. She also started dance class and loves to tap and sing. It should be a fun winter having her run all over the house in her tap shoes~
It's already turned off pretty cold up here in Summit County... My peas froze, and I'm really mad that it got so cold one night it actually froze our green house... Hopefully next year we will FINALLY get tomatoes out of that stupid green house!
There's no way Seth is already that
I can't get over how cute these pictures are! We miss you guys so much. Can't wait to see you in October. Thanks for chatting with me this weekend - it helped a lot :).
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