Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Utah State Fair

I am so mad that Summer is over. I usually LOVE the fall but I just feel like we were totally ripped off this year. I am planning a very tropical vacation for February. I know by then I will be throwing myself against a wall ready to get away... We've been pretty busy the past few weeks which has been a blessing in disguise. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have my baby girl. I'm pretty sure I would be in the Psych ward if I did not have her... Thanks to all the people who brought dinner to us or just stopped to check in... Seriously the McNeil girls are amazing. Wish I had sisters like you!!!
I had these three girls for about 1 hour one day... Can I just say I am SO GLAD I did not have triplets??? I am so just grateful that these little girls have each other... How cool to have cousins the same age???
Little Miss Utah's Own... My favorite part of this picture is the watermelon juice dripping down her chin. Every time we would drive past the trailer while it was parked at my parent's house Sienna would wave while saying "hi Sienna..."
What is it with kid putting things on their heads? I've spent a ton of money on her Halloween costume and all I had to do was put panty hose on her head and she'd be just as cute! What was I thinking???

Since I was a little girl we have always gone to the Utah State Fair... I just love it and it's so much fun now that I have a kid... Sienna was finally big enough to go down the big yellow slide... Her face was priceless, and when she was done she just started clapping and jumping up and down. I was looking at the post from last years State Fair adventure and I can't believe how much Sienna has grown...

Note to self for next year: Do not take your daughter to the fair with White bows on her shoes... They will end up BLACK!!!


Giselle Rasheta said...

She is seeming so big to me all of a sudden! Maybe it's the pictures of her on the tractor where she's looking so much like a big girl...she is seriously the cutest thing, and I love the trailer pic...that's so cute! I definitely support getting away in February, especially since I know how much you love the freezing weather...or has it grown on you?

Billie Jo said...

No matter if she is on a trailer or in her car set or where ever she is...she is so cute. Do not act like we made a big deal. It was taco soup and you are my VT partner, least I could do. Let plan a big get away for Feb. Even if it is just for fun!!!

The Gunnerson Family said...

I am glad that these last few weeks have gone as well as they have. I love all the pictures of Sienna. She is such a doll. She was totally ready to come home with me when I came by the other day. I'll take her. I do need a daughter after all.

Kath said...

We miss you guys! Sienna is looking bigger than the last time we saw her...guess we better get our butts up there, now hadn't we? I love the Utah's Own trailer...I totally want a copy of that picture...my niece is famous!

Kim said...

Oh how fun! And I love the trailor...what a cool thing! Makes me really want some watermelon!!!

Holmes Family said...

Sienna is growing so fast, and I can't wait to see what she's going to be for Halloween! Hope you're doing tons better. Take care, Jess

Chelsea Johnson said...

What an adorable little Utah's own spokesmodel! My sisters are the best, huh! I just hate that I don't get to live by them and reap all the benefits of them!!!! I always loved the fair when I was younger, but I haven't been in years. Looks like it was great! Hope you're doing well...thats never fun to go through.

K Judd said...

I cannot believe how cool that trailer is! I don't think that your Dad could have found a better model if he looked the entire world over! So cute! We had a blast at the fair too-I really wanted to send Konnor down the big yellow slide, but Kevin wasn't too sure about it. I hope you are doing well! You are such a trooper!