This is a picture after it had burned down quite a bit. When the fire department showed up the flames were ABOVE the highest tree in the picutre.

Fuzzy pictures but you get the idea...

We had these really nasty bird house that have been sitting behind our house for the last year. They were so gross and filled with who knows what kind of diseases. We had Uncle Paul come and knock them down this week and then Steve decided to have a massive bon fire on Friday night... NOTE TO SELF IN THE FUTURE... Call the County before you decide to have a fire that big. Sienna and I left to go pick up pizza and by the time we returned the Summit County Fire Department was there in all there glory. The Woodland truck showed up first but they had called in the Kamas, Oakley & Coalville trucks to come help. Luckily they cancelled the other trucks when they realized the fire was actualy under control. Steve got chewed out pretty good by the Fire Marshal who was actually a really nice guy. He informed us that you can't burn any type of structures because of the air quality control issues. He told us that if the guys from that unit showed up the minimum fine would start at $10,000.00. We were lucky and he let us off with an "educational moment" warning. Steve was smart enough to throw a little brush on top of it so they considered it a "Brush Fire" I thought it was actually pretty funny. Sienna thought it was fabulous having a few fire trucks parked in our front yard. The best part was when the fire marshal was asking if he had any brothers that lived in Peoa... Apparently, Paul & the fire marshal are pretty close friend as well, after he had to hike in to bust Paul for burning up on the hill. My only hope out of all of this is that we make the Police Blotter... That's my favorite part of the Summit County Bee. I know i've said this before, and I do believe my husband is pretty smart but I question his intelligiance more times then not. BUT... In his defense, he did have the garden hose out hosing down everything around it and hosing down our roof, just in case any sparks got out of control!