Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th Of July

So my favorite holiday has come and gone and I am always so sad when it's over! Things have been so crazy the last few weeks that all of us our beyond exhausted. We're finally moved into the new house. When I say moved in, we are basically living here but I am still at a loss of where all of our stuff is. Sienna is so confused on what is happening around her that she keeps taking Steve by the hand, leading him to the car saying "buh bye" It's very sad. I wonder what she's thinking in her little head. Everything about her life is in boxes, her toys are packed and I'm not sure which black garbage bag they are in... Very Sad... Tonight is our third night here and I'm hoping she sleeps through the night. Just when she got used to sleeping at my parent house, we moved her up here and started all over again. Here is a run down in pictures of our Fourth of July weekend.I'm pretty sure my grandparents spend more time watching Sienna then the actual fireworks.

Cody had a brilliant idea to throw a bunch of fireworks in the fire!!!

This was the boys great idea to start all the fireworks on fire at one time... My favorite part of this picture is that the "Eye Doctor" is the one leaning over the fireworks. He tells me every year how dangerous this is and how many eye injuries occur from this... Great example!
I love this picture... Notice Cody is holding lighter fluid that he sprayed all over the fireworks. He is seriously one of the smartest people I have ever met but in these moments I question his intelligence. (Love ya Cody:)

The Grand Finale
Teenie Weenie didn't make it to the end. She was exhausted.
This was taken after our first official ER visit. We thought she broke her leg on the trampoline. Poor thing was limping around and falling all over the place. Luckily nothing was broken and after a very traumatic X-Ray they sent us home. I don't even want to think how many ER visits we will face with this little girl. She is a MANIAC!!!


The Gunnerson Family said...

Hey neighbor! Great fireworks...I am happy no one was injured, it looks like the guys got a little wild. Fun family times.

Kim said...

Seriously, your little girl is so cute! Looks like a lot of fun!

Tasia said...

I am glad you are kid of sorta moved in. I am sure things will start feeling like home in no time!

Kath said...

I cannot stop laughing about the three pyro's and the fireworks. Two lawyers and a doctor...you would think they would have a little common sense - but NO! That was so fun...we loved spending time with you guys. I will post some cute pics I have of Brookie and Sienna soon!

Callister said...

July 4th is my favorite holiday too. I love that you call Sienna Teenie Weenie. So cute, I laughed out loud.

Giselle Rasheta said...

Seems like the smartest people are the ones who do the dumbest things on purpose... but as long as no one was hurt, I guess no harm done. I love your little one. She is so cute. Good luck moving everything and getting settled!