Sunday, March 9, 2008

WOO-HOO The Temp hit 50!!!

The minute the temperatures got above 40, we were outside. Sienna now goes over to the door pointing telling me "OUT" very sternly. I have a feeling we will be spending the majority of our days outside, which is totally fine with me. We walked across the street to the park to see how much snow was covering the playground, and there was a lot more then I thought there would be. It looks like the swings will make an appearance in July, maybe August. We had a fun day out on Sunday. Sienna had not been feeling good on Thursday and Friday, just a little cold mixed with teething, so getting outside felt really nice. Also, Sienna was able to wear her brand new coat she got from Aunt Robin for her birthday. She also had on her matching pink camo bows that Aunt Robin ordered for her as well. The coats a little big but will be perfect for next year!
Sienna loved the river, she kept pointing at it saying "ishy" for fishy.
Daddy showing her his secret fishing spot. Hope Uncle Cody's not reading this to find out where it is.

I love the coat, she looks so tiny.

We also spent a good portion of the day breaking up the ice that was in front of our house. Every time I would go to put Sienna in the car I would slip underneath the car. It was a serious safety hazard and took Steve pretty much the entire afternoon to break and move out of the way. There was so much freaking ice is was ridiculous.
Her favorite thing to do is find any wet spot and run through it. I see a lot of puddle jumping in our future.
Riding her new bike.
That is some crazy hair. We wanted to show Aunt Kath that every baby has crazy hair.


Kath said...

I think I am going to come to Utah because I need to see her. She is so cute. Crap! Cody saw the fishing spot! I am relieved to see Sienna's least I know Brookie is not alone in her troubles! Sienna has such an adorable personality...we love getting to know her through your blog! Maybe some day from more nearby!

The Preece Family said...

That girl of yours is so cute! I'm glad you're having so much fun with her. This summer will be a blast with all the outdoor activities you'll all be able to do!

Kati said...

I can't believe she wore her cammo outfit without her cammo bows!
She looks so cute...
And....YEAH for warmer weather!

The Gunnerson Family said...

I thought that maybe spring was finally going to creep it's way here, until it snowed again yesterday and last night. I think all the snow that melted in the last week has now been replaced.

Natalee Maynes said...

Brrrr!!! Come visit's 70 degrees and spring time here! Sienna could teach Vivi how to grow hair. :)