Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sleepy Girl...

I called to check on my Grandparents on Monday to make sure they were doing ok... The first thing that my Nana told me is she has been checking my blog every day and there is nothing new... I felt a little guilty... Now in my defense, my digital camera was dropped in the Provo river last summer and I haven't replaced it yet. I love my "Normal" camera because it forces me to actually get the prints printed but it's not so nice when you're trying to keep up on a blog. Sienna is getting so funny. She comes to the office with us 2-3 days a week. Everytime we pull up to the office she says "mom, I don't yike the office" She is so funny with patients. She greets them when they come in and then she politely asks them to "come on back" to get there eyes checked. I have been teaching her different dances and she loves the chicken dance, I have come to realize that like her singing abilities, she's not the best dancer. I will be looking into dance classes this week. Tonight we were driving home from work and she didn't get a nap today. Right when we dropped off the hill coming to our house, she crashed... I have NO idea how she slept like this. I know the pictures fuzzy, it was taken with my blackberry but she's pretty beat... I don't think her daddy pays her enough for all the work she puts in at the office!

1 comment:

Kath said...

She totally needs a raise!