Tuesday, March 31, 2009

When Steve & I were first married and living in Logan, we worked completely opposite schedules. I worked at a pediatric office from 8-5 and Steve worked at the cheese factory from 5- 1 a.m. He also had a full credit load at Utah State University so we pretty much NEVER saw each other. We had a little tradition to head to the 7-11 for a Slurpee after he got off work. Most the time it was our weekly date night. We just didn't see much of each other so we had to "schedule" the time we spent together. So, this week we decided to take a trip down memory lane and hit the 7-11 with Sienna...
I had to document the time. I have to admit when we went into the store I was a little embarassed that people were going to think what a horrible mother I was for allowing my daughter to be up this late.
Steve just wasn't feeling it...
The final product... Her Slurpee, along with a little chocolate.

Aunt Nicki had a break in school and we went and met her in Salt Lake. I wanted to go to the zoo, but unfortunately the stupid snow got in the way. So, we decided to go and check out The Living Planet Aquarium. It was so much fun. Sienna LOVED it. I was really impressed with the place, and I will for sure take her back again. She had so much fun. That night when we got home Sienna was telling Steve all about it and I just wish I would have had the video camera going. She was cracking me up with everything she said... Thanks Aunt Nickle for spending the day with us. She is still talking about it.

This was the SCARY SPIDERS... (She told her daddy all about these in her scariest voice possible.)


Cam was able to adopt these tiny chicks after his 1st grade project. Sienna LOVED them and every time Alyssa or Cameron's name comes up she starts talking about the "tiny baby chicks" We are going to adopt a few of these this week... Steve is not very happy about it, but I am getting quite good at taking care of pets... (Our cat had babies this week) After seeing her face light up when she saw these, I just knew we had to adopt a few of our own. Now if Grandpa will go find the heat lamp and other stuff needed to take care of these little things we will be on our way....

We also took Sienna to get her Easter pictures taken. Britney had baby rabbits and baby chicks in the pictures with her... They should be pretty cute! Can't wait to see them.

1 comment:

McNeil Family said...

Oh man I was going to take Evan to have his pics taken with chicks.. Alas, he is alergic to amoxicillyn (spelling?) and he was covered in hives and a rash and I just did not think that would look great in pics. Plus people would have wondered what kind of mother takes her kids out when they are sick. Sorry we missed the fun outing!