Well, D-Day is approaching rapidly... I thought I would be a little more prepared this time around!
I was so wrong!
I don't feel like I am ready in the least to have this baby boy arrive.
With Sienna, I had the bags packed, crib assembled, clothes washed and every little detail prepared.
This kid has nothing ready... I take that back, I did get the car seat down, that's good right?
I was hoping to go a week over with baby brother but at this point I just want him out!
I am beginning to wonder if you can actually explode with pregnancy.
Sometimes I feel like he is literally tearing my skin from the inside out! I swear he's going to weigh 30 pounds by the time he gets here.
On the upside, this pregnancy has been pretty fun. Seeing Sienna's reaction to the growing belly and the little nudges baby brother gives her is priceless. Too bad she's to young to remember.
The thing that I am stressed the most about is loving the second one as much as
I love my first! I know it sounds crazy and I'm sure my heart has enough room in there somewhere but it's still pretty scary. I just don't want to take anything away from her
or make her resent me in any way. It's going to be a BIG change for her.
She has been the center of our universe for almost 3 years!
I remember when my little sister was born. Granted we were six years apart but man I did not like that girl. I don't think I liked her until a couple of years ago.
Sienna informed me last week that she didn't want baby brother to come and when he get's here she's going to "hit him" Seriously, where did that come from?
My other major concern now is what to name this kid...
I literally feel like he is going to be nameless until he can name himself. I have the name that I want but daddy is not agreeing. I'm hoping he just gives in when he gets here and I get what I want. At this point he is either referred to as "baby brother" or "Dopey"
Sienna is determined that his name is going to be Dopey Sue Sargent.
Wish me luck convincing her otherwise.
That girl is pretty strong willed...
So, if anyone has any name suggestions, please send them my way!
I'm not lying when I say we have no name what-so-ever that we agree upon!
In my defense, I let Steve name Sienna...
So it should be my turn, right?