I'm a little sad that baby girl is TWO... She's is spunky, sassy, loving, outgoing, funny, beautiful, mischievous, busy, and so much more. I often look at her and just stare because I really can't believe she is mine. We often find ourselves just watching her and laughing at her. She is so entertaining and always puts on a show. She is the best thing that has EVER happened to me & she is the best of both Steve & I. I am so lucky to be her mom, I feel blessed that I was chosen to raise this strong willed baby girl. Two years have gone so fast, I just want it to slow down a little and push the pause button. I love to go in and look at her sleeping and I love it when she first wakes up in the morning. I love it when she sings, even though she took after her mamma and is NOT a very good singer. I love the way she smells and the way she looks at me with such love and admiration. I love this little girl more than words will ever be able to express.
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl...
I am a better person because I am your mamma...
**We are having a big Minnie Mouse bash this weekend. She stumbled upon her birthday present tonight. I had brought it in from the car and covered it with a blanket in the corner of the house. Steve had been home about 20 minutes when we both heard a very excited... "OHHHHHH, A dora bike" She ran over to Steve and excitedly asked "I ride it daddy?" (Throwing in the batting of the eyelashes...) How do you say no??? I was the stupid one who didn't hide it very well, and technically I was in labor with her at the same time two years ago so it was close enough right? She rode that thing all night. When she was going to bed, she told the big wheel "night bike, see ya tomorrow..."**
***And also another side note, I just wanted to let everyone know that I made Sienna's TuTu, Shirt, Bow, & Blinged out her shoes with Minnie Mouse... If you know me at all you know this is a pretty big deal. I didn't get the craft gene in the family. I can do it, I just don't like it. And realistically if you asked me to do it again, I probably would not be able to do it the same way I did the first time. I will never do it for anyone else but my babies, but I was very proud how they turned out. The shoes that I blinged took me HOURS!!! I will have to get a close up picture of just how cute they turned out. I'm pretty sure Sienna does not appreciate the work I put into her Minnie outfit. I can't come up with this stuff on my own but I can copy really well... Thanks to hours searching on Etsy I was able to come up with the basic ideas of creating it, and I did copy my sisters shirt she made from Haleigh two years ago, it was just too cute!
Technically, my mom sewed the ribbon on the shirt, I did get a C+ in sewing for heck sakes, I only learned how to make scrunchies, not sew ribbon on a shirt...
But the rest was all me, if you look really close on her bow you will see a minnie head made out of ribbon, THAT I actually hand stiched. I usually have to ask Steve to sew buttons on things for me, so this in of itself was a big accomplishment for me. When I showed Steve he told me he didn't think I could thread a needle. This all coming from the daughter of one of the most talented women in the world. She raised me and offered to teach me this stuff, I just didn't listen.***
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl...
I am a better person because I am your mamma...
**We are having a big Minnie Mouse bash this weekend. She stumbled upon her birthday present tonight. I had brought it in from the car and covered it with a blanket in the corner of the house. Steve had been home about 20 minutes when we both heard a very excited... "OHHHHHH, A dora bike" She ran over to Steve and excitedly asked "I ride it daddy?" (Throwing in the batting of the eyelashes...) How do you say no??? I was the stupid one who didn't hide it very well, and technically I was in labor with her at the same time two years ago so it was close enough right? She rode that thing all night. When she was going to bed, she told the big wheel "night bike, see ya tomorrow..."**
***And also another side note, I just wanted to let everyone know that I made Sienna's TuTu, Shirt, Bow, & Blinged out her shoes with Minnie Mouse... If you know me at all you know this is a pretty big deal. I didn't get the craft gene in the family. I can do it, I just don't like it. And realistically if you asked me to do it again, I probably would not be able to do it the same way I did the first time. I will never do it for anyone else but my babies, but I was very proud how they turned out. The shoes that I blinged took me HOURS!!! I will have to get a close up picture of just how cute they turned out. I'm pretty sure Sienna does not appreciate the work I put into her Minnie outfit. I can't come up with this stuff on my own but I can copy really well... Thanks to hours searching on Etsy I was able to come up with the basic ideas of creating it, and I did copy my sisters shirt she made from Haleigh two years ago, it was just too cute!
Technically, my mom sewed the ribbon on the shirt, I did get a C+ in sewing for heck sakes, I only learned how to make scrunchies, not sew ribbon on a shirt...
But the rest was all me, if you look really close on her bow you will see a minnie head made out of ribbon, THAT I actually hand stiched. I usually have to ask Steve to sew buttons on things for me, so this in of itself was a big accomplishment for me. When I showed Steve he told me he didn't think I could thread a needle. This all coming from the daughter of one of the most talented women in the world. She raised me and offered to teach me this stuff, I just didn't listen.***