Thursday, February 26, 2009

2 Year Old Facts...

Songs she can sing...
ABC's The whole way through...
Itsy bitsy spider (Bitchy, Bitchy Spider)
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Once their was a snowman
The Dora Song
Mickey Mouse Club House
Little Einsteins
Jingle Bells
The Wizard & I (Wicked...) Not the whole thing, but a good chunk!
Popular (Wicked)
Give's you hell (All American rejects)
I Like to move it move it

Favorite TV Shows
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Little Einsteins
Handy Manny
Dora the Explorer

Favorite Movie
Toy Story... She LOVES woody & buzz & asks to watch it daily!
Move it, move it (Managascar 2)

She can count to 15 - but after 10 it gets a little sketchy...

She knows red, pink & Blue - if all else fails, everything's blue.

My favorite things that she says...
I don't yike it...
My yeg hurts
Wait, Come back
I love you most, followed closely by I love you carrots.
I hold you (She said this once to Alyssa and she just looked at Sienna and said "I'm to big for you to hold me")
Don't do that daddy... In a really mean voice with the Sargent scowl on her face.

Favorite person is Uncle Paul, with Aunt Ruby coming in a close 2nd...

She can point out, Mee-mah & Grandpa's House, Uncle Paul's House, Granny's House, Tasia's house, Grandma Jill's House, and the office.

When you pass the stake center in Oakley she says it's Daddys game...

Right after the Stake Center she realizes we're getting close to Grandpa Sargent's house so she starts asking to see Grandpa Jack...

Every time we get off the Kimball Junction exit she instantly starts asking to go to "nastics"

Love's Cafe Rio Black Beans

Has one Specific Blanket that she has to have... So far, I have bought 4 of the same blanket...

Sleeps with 2 puppies, Baby, Gloam (the glow worm),"Ight" the carry along night light Aunt Tasia gave her and Dude (the turtle her daddy bought her in Hawaii...

She takes the water baby that she got for Christmas EVERYWHERE... It was a bath baby so it only came with a towel, but luckily Aunt Ruby donated clothes for the poor doll, for a while there she went everywhere naked...

I pretty much find her naked every morning & after every nap...

She won't keep clothes on. No matter where we are, the clothes come off. Unfortunately she has figured out how to get the onesies off...

The first thing she does when she get's in the car seat is takes her shoes & socks off & then asks us to push the button. (For the volume on her movie)

Calls me "Mama"... But calls her dad "daddy"

If one of us leaves she will ask "where mama go" or "where daddy go"

When I don't feel good or I am sad she constantly asks "mama ok?"
Two weeks ago I got the worst kidney infection I've ever had, while I was in the tub
bawling she crawled over (since her leg was broken) & tickled my back while repeatedly
saying "ok mamma, ok?"

We have tickled her face & back since she was tiny. Now when she crawls in bed with us she asks you to tickle her face or play with her hair, and if she's not too tired she will tickle my face while my eyes are closed...

She always says, "mama, I'm so proud of you"

Any time she hears a 4-wheeler she asks if it's "Uncle Cody"

Any time she talks on the phone she's either talking to "Uncle Paul or Daddy" it always starts with "Hi Uncle Paul, what ya doin huh???"

When you give her something she usually replies with "thank you mamma"

When she wants something she will grab your face with both hands & says "please mamma please" & if you don't give in she will keep saying it and bat her little eyelashes... I taught her this one thinking she would do it to her daddy but it has since come back to bite me in the butt!

My dad will come up occasionally and anytime he goes to leave she says "Wait, come back Seth" Then she will throw her self over and start to fake crying. He will come back, tickle her and kiss her and then the cycle starts all over again. He is the only person I have seen her do this too...

She just started answering her own questions. Last night she said "Paint my toes mamma, okay..." I think she things if she says okay, I will just let her do it! When we went to the store today she asked for numerous items followed by okay!

She was telling me to "Watch Out" in Spanish and also asked her daddy to "help her" in Spanish... Thanks to Dora my child is bilingual.

Any time she see a kid remotely smaller then her she says "oh tiny baby, so cute"


Kath said...

I love this post - it is my favorite! I am so glad you posted all of is hard being so far away and she is soooo smart and so dang cute. We miss her and I have been laughing all the way through this! Love you guys.

jill said...

She does have a way with those eyes, I remember when Dave met little Sienna, he feel in love with her instantly.
Thank you for sharing all the cute little things about her and allowing us to be a part of your lives. We love you all so much....thanks again and welcome to being a parent of a two year old, doesn't get any better than this.
love ya all
Gma Jill