New Facts about Sienna @ Age 2 1/2 years old...
She is sleeping all by herself in her big girl bed... (She did really well the first week, after that we play the get out of bed 10 times for random things. Her new ploy is to ask daddy to come "nuggle" her in her big girl bed... He falls for it everytime - SUCKER!)
She is potty trained!!! YEAH!!! This has brought on a whole new round of funny things that she has said.
Now being potty trained she feels like this is a new way out of going to bed. She will insist on going down stairs to go to the bathroom at least 3 times during the going to bed process. Keep in mind she has her OWN bathroom in her bedroom!
She has made Grandpa Seth VERY PROUD by repeating several things that he has taught her... For Example...
-Spider spider on the wall,
don't you know that you might fall.
Don't you know that walls been plastered,
Get OFF that wall you Stupid....
Yeah, I almost had a heart attack the first time she said this thinking the last word would turn out different...
Over the bridge across the lake, a mile a minute she has to make, a terrible snake with flaming eyes, that wiggles and waggles across the ties. Cinders falling with fiery flames, the tunnel is coming to swallow the train.
Goodbye Goodbye tomorrow will come again.
***This is an old family favorite. Keep in mind that she has to say it really fast like an auctioneer***
There was a little house in the middle of the woods,
by the window an old man stood.
Along came a bunny hopping by,
knocking at the door...
HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME (in the highest pitch voice ever)
he said, or the hunter will shoot me dead,
come little bunny come with me,
happy we will be...
She is still pretty ticked that the baby is the boy! She still tells everyone that it's a sister and insists on calling baby brother "Elpahaba Jack Jack"
Every time I leave her to go somewhere she asks me if I'm going to the "baby doctor" Do you think I've warped her thinking or what?
She "NEEDS" Everything...
When I ask her to do something she has started telling me
"I don't have too..."
She has learned that when she gets in trouble, to ask for the opposite parent that is punishing her...
She LOVES her new cousin Baby Maddox. She pretty much asks for him once an hour during the day. Then after asking to go and see him she follows with "he's so cute" Let's hope she keeps this going when her own baby brother gets here and she realizes he's staying.
We went to take her swimming two weeks ago on a Saturday night. When we got there they were just closing the pool down but kids were still swimming. When we told her they were closed she was TICKED!!! Everyday after that she continued to tell me "remember we went swimming and they were closed?" Well, yesterday we drove past the pool again and she asked me "should we go yell at them for closing the pool"
She tells me daily: "mom remember nana's not sick anymore, Grandpa Grant took her home." If only this were true.
She calls thunder, flounder. And anytime she hears it she remind me that "we don't like flounder"
If she's doing something that you tell her not to, she tells you "it's okay" or "I'm fine"