Steve had his POST (Police Officer Training) Graduation on Friday... Steve decided that being an eye doctor was not exciting enough and wanted to become a cop on the side. Sienna and I were so proud of him... He was also awarded the special "Academic" award for the whole class. So he's smart and cute... We are just very grateful that POST is over... We have been dreading this for a year. After his knee injury it pushed back the start date 6 months. I'm just glad the knee made it through all the physical stuff they had to do. He finished with a 95% for the physical stuff. That's pretty dang good for having knee surgery 8 months ago... So, Good Job Steve-o... We are very proud!!! And No... I will not support you through culinary school so don't ask again... (He really wanted to go to culinary school...) I put my foot down at 4 degrees...

Waiting for the ceremony to start... Sienna was pretty much a NIGHTMARE through the entire ceremony. She kept trying to get peoples attention by coughing or yelling at them... It's so weird... I have no idea where she gets that from... Imagine a child of mine being shy???

The Special awards given...

Posing in front of the poster... I wanted to get a shot of him holding his special award and certificates, but Steve was getting annoyed with the photo ops...

I had to throw a few crazy hair pictures in... Sienna's favorite thing to do is eat daddy's glasses and watch football or basketball on t.v.

More Crazy Hair... It's getting so long.

This is the picture of Sienna's first pony tail... It looks so cute. Thanks Aunt Kati for the tiny bows you gave me when Sienna was born... They are perfect for her little tiny pony tail.

Well, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas... I am so excited to spend time with the family and watch Sienna's reaction to Christmas morning. My brother and his family will be here which should be fun. Sienna will get excited just from seeing Savana and Porter's reaction to Christmas. I am so grateful to spend Christmas with the people I love and not have to fly home from Oregon this year... YEAH!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Yeah for Steve! I didn't know he was going through POST, but then...I probably wouldn't. Anyway...congrats to him! He sounds like Eric with all of his aspirations to do lots of things...Eric used to tell me he wanted to join the Army, though I think it was mostly to get my reaction. :)
Hey, I didn't know Steve was going through POST. What is he going to do with it?
Hey I just signed up so I could say happy birthday to my god child next month when she has her B-Day. What is Steve going to do be the warden? You're awsome Stacy.. Oh by the way Nick works with Erin at Goodwood. I am sure you know.
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