I think this year's Christmas was one of the best... It started out on Christmas Eve with seeing Santa in the Barn. This has been a family tradition for years. That dang Santa Claus comes to the barn and steals hay to feed to his reindeer.... The kids LOVE it... This year was so funny. Porter was screaming at the top of his lungs to Santa "Hey Santa, it's me Porter... I'm over here." He probably yelled this over 20 times. We then went to the Sargent Family Christmas Eve Dinner. It was so fun. We had a Nativity Program and had Grandpa Jack tell us a great Christmas story. This year it was a pretty small party for the Sargent's but was great. Good food, good conversation, good times. When we got back from the Sargent's we opened present's from Meemah & Grandpa. They got Sienna a new doll, which she loves. We then stayed up until about 2:30 a.m. watching for Santa and laughing. Nicki, Cody, Kath & I stayed up laughing and talking for hours. It was fun...
The next day started early. Sienna decided to wake up at 6:00 a.m. we brought her down and she loved the table that Santa left for her. She was back asleep before the other kids woke up... After the excitment of the day, Sienna and I went back upstairs to take a nap. We woke back up around noon and came down stairs to eat... My husband told me to look out to see if my Nana & Grandpa were here yet and when I looked out I saw a Shiny new car with a big bow on it... I was so excited!!!! Steve kept telling me that the guy looking for our car couldn't find the one we wanted and I was ticked!!! I kept swearing at him at telling Steve we needed to hire a new guy... He had the car for over two weeks without telling me. He wanted it to be a Christmas Surprise... I was hoping to get the car but after it didn't show up in the morning I fiugured there was no hope... I was so excited I actually went running outside with no shoes or socks on and took it for a ride... It is so much easier to get Sienna in and out and she loves it...
I am grateful for this Christmas year... We are very blessed and lucky to live in the times we live in. I am grateful to my family for loving and supporting us and for my parent's allowing us to move into their house for a few days... Thanks meemah and grandpa... The food was AMAZING... Especially the prime rib... Until next year, when Sienna might actutally understand the concept of Santa in the barn... Luckly we have these pictures for proof...
So cute! I love the new car! It will be so nice getting that car seat in and out! Steve is so sneaky! Sienna looks so cute in that Santa shirt. She was so cute today. I just realized that I didn't get any pictures of her...she was asleep most of the time we were there! Glad you got your Christmas pictures up!
Adorable pictures--and woohoo on the new car! We've been going to get the same one for months, but are waiting for the new year when my brother can get us a deal! Hope your New Year is just as fun!
hi! Just blog-stalking, a trait I learned from Patrice. Cute family! I can't believe you guys have been married for 9 years! Your blog looks awesome too!
Staci, looks like you guys had a great Christmas. I am so glad for your new car! That is so fun Steve suprised you. Seinna looked like she had a blast. Next year will be even funner. I love how cute your blog is everytime I look you have a new back page so cute. P.s the table that ho ho got for your little one . Gav got one of those when he was little and it has been a huge hit with both my kids,. Happy New Year!
I love your new car and and so happy for you that you finally got it! Glad your Christmas was so wonderful and that you were able to spend it with your families. The Santa in the barn is totally cute!
Nice car! Looks like Santa really spoiled you guys this year. Oh - and I cannot believe those were Diana's boys! They were all at LEAST 6 years old!?!??! WOW~! Sienna is a doll as always --- no pun intended. Oh, and speaking of, Ashley got a new baby doll from Santa this year too and also named her "Chloe"! PS - That Santa in the barn photo is a classic! I can see why the kids loved it so much...
Staci, it sure looks like you were a good girl this year! What a fun Christmas your little family had. It is so great to be with family and to be able to keep up with all the traditions. Christmas really is more fun with kids to help bring in the Christmas spirit, and next year will be even better when Sienna is a little older. Glad you had a great one!
I know, I am such a slacker and don't have my Christmas stuff up yet. I haven't taken the time until tonight to do it. But it looks like Santa spoiled you. I can't wait to see the new car. PS, how in the world did you get Paul to smile in a picture, that is one of the best I have ever seen of him. :) Hope you had a good new year!
Staci, so sorry again that Wade and I got you up from, I am sure, a
much needed holiday nap. Your pictures of Christmas are darling. It looks like you had a great one. Talk to you soon. Candace
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