So Sienna has been getting pretty bored with the toys that she has at the office. She has started "Exploring" every little space there is in this place, and to be honest, this is a huge office so she is finding all sorts of fabulous things. Today she crawled underneath her saucer and began eating a dried up regurgitated bagel that I had given her on Monday... I know, SO GROSS!!!
She is like a little Hoover Vacuum... She also discovered where daddy hangs out when he's not out with us and that is her new favorite room. When Steve goes in with a patient she crawls over to the door and starts pounding on it while yelling "DAD".... It's actually very cute to us, but I don't think the patient's thinks it's cute...
She is now 9 months old... It makes me a little sad knowing how big she is getting... She weighed 15 1/2 pounds and was 27 1/2 inches at her 9 month check... She's tall and skinny... Another 1/2 an inch until she gets the new big girl car seat...

For Today, She's on Santa's Good List...

She had more fun crawling under this then she ever found while just standing in it... And Yes, That is the Monday Bagel...

"Sienna... You're dad is an Eye Doctor... You don't need to take your clothes off..." I'm now positive that she is 100% my child... Any chance she gets, she takes her clothes off... For those of you who knew me when I was little, I
NEVER wore clothes... She has now learned how to take her diaper off. Two days ago I walked in to get her out of her crib from her nap and she had taken all her clothes off including her diaper and chucked them out of the crib... There she was
BUCK NAKED... With a HUGE grin on her face!!! SHE IS SUCH A MESS!!!
Well I am glad to see that Emma is not the only one that eats up Sienna's old crumbs she leaves in the bottom of the saucer.
Love the naked story... Like mother like daughter. In more ways than one... I miss her little face. I'm coming up to Mom and Dad's Friday and sleeping over Saturday so mom can help me make a portfolio for one of my finals so you should come up... I need to see my baby ASAP!I Love those pictures too! Especially the cheeser I'm on the nice list one. She is so freaking cute!
I have to agree with Nic, she is so freaking cute. Who knows, she is so smart maybe she left her food storage where only she knows where it is! Next time I come up I am calling before I come to make sure she isn't sleeping again. She is the cutest baby I have ever seen!
Love ya! The BLOGstalker
She is So CUTE!!! I think I say that everytime cuz she is SO CUTE!!!! The whole regergitated bagel thing totally made me laugh. I hate how soph is like a vaccumm . I sweep like 10 times a day I swear !! They still find stuff in little corners, underneath things. It makes me crazy. I can't believe seinna is stripping that is hillarious! The only thing soph strips is the socks , she can't handle wearing them I guess. So fun! We should get together after the craze of the holidays! They would be so cute to play together!!!
Here's another "She is so cute" comment, but let's be serious here...SHE IS SO CUTE! Even if she does eat old food. When my husband was little, he would hide his bottles that were still half full. Then he'd pull them out from his hiding place a week later and suck on them. His mom finally found his hiding spot (in the large plants) and put an end to sour milk bottles. YUCK!
Thats hilarious about eating the old food. One time I was substituting in primary and the the little hokie vacuum fell over and all the old gross garbage fell out. The kids came running over to it and started picking out the old crackers! I laughed so hard---but didn't tell their parents! She must be skinny--Jack almost only weighs 2 lbs less than her... But he is kind of a chunk!
I love the picture with the "I'm on Santa's nice list" classic Sienna, with her little cheeser grin. Gotta love that grin!
The story about her in her crib is hilarious. I bet you were cracking up to see her standing there! She is so cute. Do you love how I haven't blogged in about 100 years? I will try to do better.
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