So yesterday was my 9th Wedding Anniversary. It's a little crazy to think that we have been married 9 years. I met Steve two weeks before my High School graduation. The first time I saw him was at the Chevron in Kamas. I didn't know who he was, but later found out that he was my best friends uncle. I told everyone that I just wanted to go on 1 date with him. After one of our choir performances I went to my best friends house and he was there to eat cheesecake... I referred to him as "Hot Boy" for the first two months of dating. My nana didn't even know his real name because that's all I would call him. We hit it off so well that the rest is pretty much history... I was NOT looking to get married so young... In fact, my parent's told Steve they would have liked him a whole lot more if he would have come into my life about 5 years later. We were engaged over labor day weekend and spent every day possible together leading up to the wedding. I was going to school in St. George so he would drive down every weekend to be with me or I would drive up after practice sometimes not even leaving St. .George until around 10:00 p.m. We had so much in common and have so much fun together. I feel so lucky to have married my best friend. Nobody can handle me the way Steve can. He knows when to back off and when to really put me in my place. So, Happy Anniversary Steve-0.... Here's to MANY, MANY more years to come!!!

I love this picture... Steve is so serious and I am just grinning from ear-to-ear... This is pretty much how I was the ENTIRE wedding day.

This is one of our engagement pictures... I think Steve was trying to be Mr. GQ

I just had to throw this picture in here... I was so proud when he graduated from Optometry School. We worked so hard to accomplish this goal and did it together... He would not have been able to do it without me and I would not have been able to do it without him... Besides Sienna, getting through school being so far away from home was our biggest accomplishments.

This is the day we were engaged...

Classic wedding photo... My mom took this picture and I love how the light makes me look so "angel" like. (Looks are very deceiving...)
Oh I love it! you 2 are a darling couple. Isn't it crazy how fast time goes. That is crazy! I was graduating beauty school and you were off gettin hitched.. So are you both eye docs? That is awesome, what a huge accomplishment together! Hope you all do something fun for your big day! Congrats !!!!
Yay! Look how beautiful you look! I love that pic of you grinning up at Steve. Soooo cute. What a good looking couple!
You both look SO young in those pictures. How fun. I remember we had a game that night, so a bunch of us went to your reception in our cheer uniforms with Mz. Congrats on 9 years...and many more to come!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA You are BABIES! I love it! I can't really talk thought. What was I like 12 when you got married?
I have removed the comment... I like that you narrowed the intruders down... It really made me laugh... I can guarantee that the blog stalker will not break into your house... "It" is a very nice person who generally cares about your well being and actually knows both you and Patrice... I'm pretty sure that she would LOVE to see a Blog from you two... Come on, It's really time... As far as my brother goes... I guess it's possible... Now, could you get a freaking blog already???? And tell you're wife I was going through old pictures and laughing my butt off at the pictures of us on "80's" day with our crimped hair... Good Times... I might just have to post those pictures!!! So, tell her if she doesn't start a blog I will be posting those pictures... You get one week until they get posted!!!!
I can't believe you two have been married for that long! Congrats--you've accomplished a lot in that time! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary. I can't understand why Steve doesn't like his pictures on the internet. I mean, if anyone sees that GQ picture he might be getting a second job!
I can't believe my baby sister has been married almost the same amount of time as me. The day of your wedding, I think, was about negative 40 degrees. I was about 8 months pregnant and about as big as a small barn. Good times. I really hated Steve in the beginning...but I have to admit now...that he was the best thing that happened to you. You guys have been through so many ups and down together. Your marriage is a solid as they come. Congrats for making it to 9 years!!! I know there will be many many more to celebrate.
Wow! 9 years is sooo long! Congratulations, you guys look like little babies! And oh so cute little babies. I can't believe I have never seen your wedding pics before! Love the post.
OH! Yesterday was the best day of my life because there was a present from you in my mail box. You just can't understand how exciting it is to get presents in the mail. I came home immediately and started reading my books and picking out names.
And, thank you for removing our address.... I told Allen that if he wanted to come home from work and find me dead it was a good idea to post our address all over the internet. He thought I was little paranoid, but we're talking about a person who booby traps the house, so go figure.
K now I am really curious about the "as far as my brother goes..." part of the above comment...fill in please???
Congrats on your anniversary. I still remember how head over heels in love you were with Steve that summer after your senior year. We had so much fun in Oregon with you guys, you miss it as much as I do?
9 years! wow. Congrats and what an accomplishment. If I've learned anything, its that when you meet the right guy, marry him...whether your 19 or (in my case late 20's...but now that I'm married I wish it would have been earlier!)...:) Staci I can't believe its been over 9 years since we cheered together...holy crap, I feel so old!
December is a crazy time to get married and have an anniversary. You two are the perfect couple. I just remember looking at those pictures how young you were and Steve was always MR GQ in high school!!!
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