February 27, 2008
Happy Birthday baby girl. I can’t believe how great this last year has been, but am surprised at how fast it went. One year ago I was trying everything I could to get you to come out. I swear if we didn’t force you out you would still be hanging out inside my belly, kicking every 10 seconds. I will never be able to tell you how much we wanted you. I can honestly tell you that you were the most wanted child ever. I loved being pregnant with you. You were so active and that is exactly what I needed. There was one day that you hadn’t moved for an hour and I almost had a heart attack thinking something had happened. I made your dad yell at my belly to get you to move. You always became very active the minute your dad walked in the door and you heard his voice. You had such a bond before you even met him. When you were born I don’t remember much. You could have made the birth a little easier but of course being the little drama queen that you are, you had to make your grand entrance in a very dramatic way, with two doctors, 3 nurses and the entire neo-natal team waiting for you. I didn’t see you for long before you were whisked away. The only thing I remember is your daddy telling me you had A LOT of black hair. It was a weird feeling laying in the recovery room alone. You had been a part of my daily life for the past 10 months and now you were gone. When I finally saw you I couldn’t believe how beautiful you were. You had your big bright eyes open and was holding your head up on your own. Bringing you home in a huge blizzard was the best day of my life.
This first year has gone so fast, you’re walking and talking and sassing me every day. How can you go from a tiny baby to this little diva in such a short time? I am amazed at how much of me you have in you. Sometimes I feel like I am looking in the mirror and I often find your daddy shaking his head at the little personality you show us, saying “how can I handle two of you”? I secretly love it when you wake up in the middle of the night. I doesn’t happen to often and I love to go in and cuddle you for a while. It’s the only time that you actually cuddle back. My favorite time with you is in the morning. I love putting you in bed with me and playing for a good 20 minutes before I actually wake up. I wish I could push pause and keep you at this stage forever. I know I say that about every stage, but this one is my favorite. I am looking forward to so many things with you and can’t wait to see you become a little toddler. Thank you for making my life so much better. I can honestly say, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you baby girl! Happy Birthday!!!