I'm trying to get as many pictures posted as possible so I can turn this blog into a book for Sienna's first birthday. So I apologize if there are just way to many updates. I picked up another roll of film and found new pictures I wanted to make sure go in the book. The main purpose of this blog is to keep a record for Sienna, so here are more pictures of the Princess...

This is for Sienna's favorite Aunt Robyn. I have told her repeatedly that she can come visit her whenever she wants WITHOUT buying another pair of glasses.... She just never listens to me. I am starting a frequent glasses card for her. Buy 5 pairs get the 6th free. But I am very excited about your new Coach sunglasses that should be there soon! YEAH!!!

Sienna is not a shy child. Any time we go ANYWHERE she sits and waves at EVERYONE and says hi 100 times. This is just one more trait that I have no idea where it came from. She's very lucky to get to see so many people at the office. She has never been scared of people and has never been clingy. She will go with anyone who will take her. And if you don't give her attention, you are in so much trouble. She makes it her mission to get your attention!

After attending the hunting expo, we went to eat at Rodizio Grill... Sienna LOVED the cooked pineapple.

I came downstairs to find Sienna and daddy playing a little game. Sienna would drop something behind the couch, then turn to daddy and say "Uh-Oh" and daddy would then pick it up for her to do it all over again. She has been playing this game in her crib as well. I couldn't find any of her binkies so I looked behind her crib and found 13 of them hiding from me.

Sienna loves to be at the office, especially when kids come to play. Our cute patient Lyndi brought her little girl Ellie with her for her appointment. Sienna go so excited when they walked in the door. We put them both down and they went to hug each other, but ended up knocking each other over. Sienna ended up on the bottom, hitting her head on the hard cement floor and Ellie ended up on top of Sienna. They both started screaming.... When I say screaming I mean top of your lungs, holding your breath, hyperventilating screaming. It was really sad but also a little bit funny. They were very cautious while playing together after the tumble. You can tell by Sienna's face in this picture she was watching Ellie pretty closely.

I swear, I can not get this child to stop climbing things. She is such a helper, I don't know how I ever cleaned without her. She has taken a few tumbles, but she doesn't even care. She just gets back up and climbs it again.

That little face proves she knew she was in trouble.

This is what happens when I leave Sienna with Steve. He gave her the ENTIRE bag of crackers and of course she dumped them all over the floor. Then decided to do a headstand on top of them. I am still finding fish crackers 1 week later.
Staci, I don't care what that baby does......she is just plain the cutest baby I have ever seen! She is even cute standing on her head.
Love ya! The BLOGstalker.
For some reason, she looks soooooo big in those pictures with her and Steve looking over the couch. Where in the heck has this past year gone?
Love the pics of her and Auntie Robin!!!!
The face she is pulling while on the dishwasher door is priceless. I love that she knows she's in trouble. Awww, but what a beautiful girl. How can anyone be upset with her with a face like that?
Brookie misses Bienna! She needs to see her. We should totally take a picture of both little "helpers" sitting on the dishwasher...that is Brooklyn's favorite thing, too! Just looking at her little face in the pictures totally makes me smile!
Okay I am laughing my butt off right now! All of those pictures remind me of Sophia, the dishwasher, the whole binki thing, The looking through her legs .I love it! She is so dang cute! what would we do with out our daily entertainment! ps. cabelas is codys fav store too. I think we have been there a 100 times!
Oh it has been so long since I have been able to get my blog watching in... and sooo many updates. I can't believe how cute that little girl is. I really think she has your eyes. What a cutie! And it looks like she definitely keeps you busy.
On an unrelated note, for some reason you were in my dreams last night and we were having flash back to high school all over again. Crazy...
Staci, let me know how the book for sienna turns out. I would like to see it! That was the one good reason that I had for starting a blog, you told me that I could print it out in a book and I thought that was a great idea for a family journal. Let me know! Candace
I agree with the BLOGstalker! I don't care what that baby does .....she is just plain cute!!! She sure had her Grandpa wrapped around her little finger when we dropped in - and again -- CUTE!!!
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