WARNING!!!! I have never posted this many pictures in one post... I was going to make a slide show but then remembered that the only reason I am doing this blog, is to get it printed into a book at the end of the year... So here is the trip in pictures!!!
The Disney Trip is OVER!!! It was such a great trip but I have to say, I was pretty excited to get back home. We left Thursday. Sienna did such a great job on the plane. I was very surprised. I figured I was going to have to wrestle her the entire trip, but she just fell asleep and slept most the flight.
Kati's kids were so cute when they found out we were going to Disneyland. They didn't really believe it for the longest time. I don't think that it really sunk in until we got on the plane. Ryan is the funniest little boy EVER!!! He said so many funny things but the highlight's were...
"Oh there goes Minnie & Pluper" - He couldn't remember Pluto's name
"Are we going to catch the Shittle???"
We had to take a shuttle to Disneyland everyday and Ryan came up with that... So we just called it the Shittle for the rest of the Weekend. It was a lot funner to say. That kid talks and talks and talks... The things that he comes up with cracks me up. It was fun to see Disneyland through their eyes.
Nana & Grandpa were amazing!!! My Grandpa went on every single ride. Including the roller coasters, Tower of Terror and pretty much anything that was fast or dropped you... How many people can say that their Grandpa went on every single ride at Disneyland?
Overall I was just glad to spend time with the family. It's very rare that we are ALL together. I am just so grateful to have such a fun family. Thanks Nana & Grandpa for the great trip. We loved it.

Waiting for the Shittle... Can you tell how excited she is for DISNEYLAND!!!

Meeting Snow White... I think this will be Sienna's favorite Princess because she has dark hair.

So Tired!

Uncle Mat & Sienna... She thought Mat was pretty cool... I think he's giving Paul a run for the "Favorite Uncle" title.

Aunt Nicki & Sienna

Kati & Staci with the girls!

The Sister's and their Babes... Minus Nicki (not really sure where she is in the picture... It's not like her to miss a photo op!)

Two sleeping beauties.

In Front of Sienna's favorite ride... It's a small World. Grandpa Seth even learned to like it because he loved to watch Sienna looking at every little detail. The things that were hanging from the ceiling she would tilt her head so far back she almost fell over. Very cute!!!

Waiting for the Christmas Parade with Cody & Porter

Nana, Grandpa & Baby Bienna. Sienna is their 7th Great Grandchild.

This is Sienna's new smile... She crinkles her nose and shows her TWO teeth. She would smile like this to anyone who would pay attention to her.

Mooching a drink off Grandpa Seth

By the last day of Disneyland Sienna was done... We woke her up at 6:00 a.m. to be there for early entry and by 10:00 this is what happened... She NEVER falls asleep anywhere but her bed... She was exhausted. We got home yesterday and today we both took a four hour nap, then she fell back asleep for another 3 hours... Tough life, I know!!!

She wouldn't take her eyes off Minnie...

Meeting Minnie Mouse

Another favorite picture... Sienna with her Great Grandparents.

Classic Haleigh.... And Classic Kati.... I don't think Porter liked the Tea Cups!!!

Oh how I love this baby girl... Do you love how she's trying to push away from me. She gets so annoyed with all the kissing I do!

Sienna was really in the kissing mood one night... Here she is kissing Uncle Cody... This was only the second time meeting him.

Kissing Great Grandpa Tingey... I wish I would have got the front of Grandpa's face... BUT when Sienna's in the mood to give kisses you have to take any shot you can get!

Thanks Nana & Grandpa for the great trip. We had SO MUCH fun!!!

Another picture of the girls with the Castle in the background. Disneyland at Christmas is a definite see... The Castle looked AMAZING this year!

Grandpa Seth & Brookly... I don't think Brooklyn liked Dumbo... What do you think???

I think this picture is one of my favorites. Ryan & Porter wanted to ride in the bumper cars together but they wouldn't let them. So, Great Grandpa jumped in with Ryan. Grandpa had a grin on his face the entire time and Ryan thought it was great to have him help drive.

Grandpa Seth & Sienna

Haleigh walked around with the digital camera up to her eye... Wonder where she gets that from???

Sienna was crowned the Princess of the Carousel. Steve and I were not there when it happened so we had to go back and go on it again with her. My mom was with her when she was named the Princess and they announced her as Princess Sienna to everyone on the carousel and they all clapped and bowed to her... It was very cute and she loved the crown and all the attention... (Again, So Weird!!! NO IDEA where she gets that from.)

All the Girls!

After the first day we ate at an AMAZING Italian restaraunt. The food was so good but the service sucked!!! So, Kati complained and got us gift cards which we plan on using for our Anniversary next week.

Kati made these Minnie Mouse ears for Haleigh. Seriously her talent AMAZES me... You should have seen the Minnie Mouse shirt she made. Hopefully she'll post a picture on her blog.

Daddy & Bienna riding Dumbo. She wasn't to sure about this ride!

She's so Busy... She had to touch everything!

We couldn't resist

We we're waiting for the Christmas Parade to start. Sienna LOVED the parade.

It's so weird!!! I have NO IDEA where she get's her cheeser grin???

Sienna & Brooklyn just checked each other out. Brookie tried to pull Sienna's Binky out and Sienna tried to rip Brookies bow out of her hair!

Tea Cups

4 Generations... Staci, Sienna, Meemah & Nana

I love this picture... Nana just can't get enough of Sienna. SO CUTE!!!

Baby Yoda... It took a lot of convincing to get Porter to let Sienna Wear this.

We took this picture at Bug Land... We can't pass up taking a picture in front of anything by John Deer! Bug Land was one of Sienna's favorites. But she DID NOT like the Bug Life 3-D show. When they blew air in her face she started crying.

Walking down the corridor to the airplane. She was such a good baby the ENTIRE trip. But she would not let go of that Minnie Mouse we bought her. When I went to pay for it and took it away from her, she had a COMPLETE meltdown!!! So Great trip... Good Times... Can't wait to do it again!!!