Lets just call these Sienna's 8 month pictures... I can't believe she is 8 months old. Thanks Aunt Kati for snapping a few pictures today... I really just wanted some in her cute new hat, but they turned out so amazing they might become Christmas presents...
I cannot beleive how beautiful she is... she gets prettier every month. Is that possible? She really could model- I think you need to pursue it. Call Aunt Nicki's modeling agency and see what you need to do...Mom
Yeah, The Daddy would never let that happen... Just a little protective!!!
I was going to write the same thing...she seriously could be a baby model. So cute!
Staci, I have never seen such a beautiful baby. Where did you get that hat? I think Steve-o should rethink it.....I can't think there is a more photogenic (sp) little angel in this world. OMG! I love her little eyes, nose, teeth......I think I love her. I am sure of it!!!!!
The BLOGstalker!!!
P.S. Love you too! Please tell Caryn I am sorry I didn't call for her Big 21. But tell her I love her too!!!!
I wish I could take credit for making the hat... But we all know I missed the boat of learning how to make things. I bought it at The Lace Place in Salt Lake... I actually bought 3 different ones because they are so dang cute... If anyone knows how to make them I would pay a lot of money to make me a few more for gifts!!! Let me know!!!
I would like to request one of those pictures as a Christmas present...they are ADORABLE. She looks so cute in every single picture I have ever seen of her. Tell Steve that you might as well call the modeling agency yourself, because she is going to be "scouted" constantly by agencies. Love that hat, too...show me where that place is in SLC next time I come 'cause I totally want one for Brooks.
K...I know I just commented but I have to comment again...she is seriously so beautiful. I have been back to your site about 50 times in 10 minutes 'cause I want to look at the pics again and again! (p.s. Great photography, Kati)
So glad you like them! They turned out pretty good for a quick photo shoot! She is such a doll! I love taking her pictures...it is just too easy with her beauty and disposition! You are so, truly blessed to have that little angel...and you are right, she WAS so worth the wait!
Wow, great pictures,what a cutie. It may have been Treyson making eyes at her and not the other way around! That hat is to die for too.
I just finished crying when about your post one year ago. I can't believe you went through all those miscarriages! I only had one and it was horrible to go through! I too was surprised how easily it all goes away when you do have an adorable little baby finally! They really are miracles! She seriously is so cute and you should try to have as many as you can if they even turn out half as cute as she is!
She seriously is a beautiful baby--so photogenic!
Ah, I love my boys but seeing your beautiful baby girl makes me want a girl!! Maybe by then Kati will know how to make that hat!
We went to dental school with Arizona Goates and Tresure was one of my friends. Small world!
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