We've had a very busy week... Let's just start off by me wrecking my brand new car... I am NOT having very good luck with cars... We were on our way to my dads birthday party on Tuesday. We were driving on 1-15 near 90th south and the traffic slowed down, so I slowed down... Then I was nailed from behind by 2 freaking cars... It was not a very fun day. My mom and Sienna were in the car with me and we were hit pretty hard. So now, my new cute car is totally wrecked and both insurance companies won't take responsibility for fixing my car and I am TICKED!!!! The wreck was not my fault, they should fix my car... So, I've been a little emotional lately... I guess maybe A LOT emotional... But, Luckily, everyone is okay, nobody was hurt, aside from a few sore muscles, so I should feel lucky that we were all okay. My dad took pictures but I haven't had him email them to me yet, I will have to post the pictures from the wreck... I'm pretty much scared to death to drive now. I had to go to Salt Lake on Thursday and I didn't dare take Sienna with me because I thought I would get in another wreck... Between last month when the entire wheel split in half and fell of the truck, and now this wreck, I think my share of wrecks should be OVER!!! We did have a great dinner after the hour and a half cop ordeal. My dads birthday was great and I think he enjoyed himself. I have cute pictures from that as well but haven't taken them in to get developed yet. It was fun to have the family together to celebrate his birthday. We missed my brother and his family hopefully one day they will live closer!!!

Daddy showing his baby girl the light he was going to use to check her out...

Looking for brain tumors... Or Retina Cancer...

Making sure she doesn't need glasses.
Sienna had her first official eye exam. She did so good. She looked so big sitting in the exam chair and I was so proud of her. She has great eyes... (Probably the only GOOD thing she actually got from me.) and now she's off the hook for another year. Those of you who are new parents there's a really cool program that the American Optometric Association is pushing called the Infant See program... It entitles you to one free eye exam during your child's first year of life... I encourage everyone to get their babies eyes checked during the first year... It can save you from a lot of future problems... They can catch all sorts of things during the first year so PLEASE get them checked.... Click
HERE to find a participating doctor.