Justin our next door work neighbor invited Sienna over to see his new puppies. They are so cute. Sienna is getting so big. When you ask her what the puppy says she does this little woof sound that is so cute. She is walking now more then crawling and we are a month away from her first birthday. I still can't believe how fast this first year went. Sienna loved the puppies but I only had my sidekick camera so the pictures didn't turn out great. We are going to take her back on Monday to see them again. I will try and get better pictures. I wish dogs stayed little forever. If they did, I would have taken one of these little pups home with me... For a measly $400.00
14 years ago
I love her doggy sounds. I'm so glad I have been able to see her so much lately. She doesn't look like she likes that puppy very much in those pictures though...
I want to hear the doggy sounds!
I am going to officially stop looking at your blog. It reminds me exactly what I am missing without a darling little girl of my own!
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