Saturday, February 2, 2008

Is Winter over yet?

So this winter has been HORRIBLE!!! We have got so much snow that it's ridiculous... I know we need it and all, but does it have to come all at once? We took pictures last night of how much snow we have so I will post the pictures when I get them... Since it's been so cold we have been inventing new things to do in the house... Let's just hope that winter ends soon. I am so very excited for summer. I can't wait to take Sienna to the park and for walks down our little walking trail... Oh how I wished I lived somewhere warm right now. Here's a little recap of the things we have been doing while stuck in the house.
Playing Salon with Mommy.
This tells you I give her a little too much Motrin. In my defense she has been getting 5 teeth at the same time.
Playing Peek-a-Boo
Climbing the couch.
Wrapping the princess in Bubble Wrap.
She thought this was great and laid there very patiently while daddy wrapped her up.
Then she wrapped herself in her blue diaper bags...
She pulled all these bags out of the little duck dispenser located behind her.
Climbed the stairs a few hundred times... We've only had one tumble back down the stairs.
Showing off her curly hair... Steve accomplished the one thing we told him to give the baby... CURLS!!!
Random picture I thought was cute...
Getting ready to go to the store. That's pretty much the only place we go.
My Little Monkey. She climbs on EVERYTHING!


The Woolstenhulme Family said...

Stacy She is so cute. I can't believe how big she is getting. I love the curls. I wish Adi had curls. Sienna has also got such a beautiful smile. You guys did a great job.

Holmes Family said...

This is a really lame attempt to let you know I don't want to keep you from Chris. These past years have been such a huge misunderstanding. I hope to talk to you soon. Take care, Jess

michelle said...

Oh my goodness what a little stinker! scince I do hair you don't know how jelous I am of people with curly hair! Sophie's hair is STICK straight. It won't hold a curl. Poor girl. Have you started planning the big day? I told you we are doing a ladybug party SOOO excited. I got some way cute ideas on the net. I ordered ladybug gift bags from oriental trading. Hope it will be a big hit with the little kids...Sienna is so dang cute...To bad you guys don't live closer, we could have playdates. Next time your down this way look me up !!