14 years ago
Monday, September 24, 2007
My Little Grouch!!!
These last two weeks have defiantly been a pretty difficult two weeks, if I may say so myself... Sienna was diagnosed with another Ear infection and after the first round of antibiotics did nothing we started another one on Friday only to have no results with that one as well... She has been a little grouch, which I don't blame her and today has been the worst of all... After screaming all morning, and when I say screaming I'm not just talking about crying, I'm talkin full blown screaming, she finally gave in and fell asleep... To make matters worse, I have to have a medical procedure done tomorrow that will prevent me from nursing her for 24 hours... This is going to be FUN!!! Let me just ask for a lot of prayers that she will make it through without permanent damage... Daddy's in for a LONG LONG NIGHT tomorrow night!!!
Yep, She's still in her "straight jacket"
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Matching Daddy!
So we had to come into work today (Saturday) and after getting Sienna dressed and ready for the day, Steve came walking down the stairs matching Sienna... It was so cute I had to take a picture... We have been at the office for two hours now and ALL of our patients no-showed!!! What a waste... I could have made Steve take me on a date or something... Dang those patients!

Please disregard the huge mess on the counter in the background... I can't believe how messy things get at the office~

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Utah State Fair
So we spent two days at the fair this year... Grandpa Seth put together the big Utah's Own Food Court and then Nicki sang with her band... We of course had to go and support both of them... And it didn't hurt that we got free tickets from Grandpa. It was so fun and brought back so many childhood memories... Nicki did amazing! She really rocked out this year... Sienna was a little hesitant when we first got there because there were so many people and so many things going on, but she really warmed up to everything and had a great time. Can't wait until next year! But then again I'll be chasing a toddler at that point so maybe I can wait...
Nicki and I
Riding the Tractor.
After about 4 hours of the fair. This is how it ended...
We're so proud of Grandpa and his Utah's Own food court.
Grandpa showed her off to Everyone he knew.
Sienna wasn't to sure about the cow... She kept checking it out.
This dog looking thing was at the fair and when I saw it I told Jackson & Ryan to go get in a picture with it... Of course Ryan, the no fear boy, was all over it but Jackson was not going to get close to it. So her Ryan is be-friending the scary looking dog...
Nicki did such an amazing job singing... They sang a one hour set
Over to the left of Nicki there were like 8 cops standing there listening to her sing. Her drummer is a Salt Lake City Cop.
Haleigh fell off a chair and her teeth went through her lip... This is how huge it got within two minutes.
On our way to the fair. This is the look I get from the drivers seat of the car. She loves to look up at us while we're driving and talk and sing. Her favorite song is "The Wizard and I" from Wicked.

Meemah took Sienna to the Little Hands on the Farm Exhibit.
Here she is modeling her cute apron.
Sitting in the onion Patch...
Until next Year...

Until next Year...
Random Shots

Monday, September 17, 2007
My Baby Sister...
I have been thinking and stressing a lot about my little sister lately... She is always in my thoughts and the concerns I feel for her I know are just normal stuff but I just wanted to let her know how amazing she is... I do not know another person more beautiful then she is. She constantly amazes me with the things that she can do. The talent that she possesses scares me sometimes. I look at her and admire her for all that she does. She has felt a little lost these past couple months... I don't know if lost is the right word, but confused on things that have taken place. It kills me to see her hurt and see people hurt her. If I could I would take all the evil away and let her live in a little bubble. The thing that is hard for me to understand is that most of what she is going through is normal. Most people go through this, I didn't... I was married when I was 18 and had my life mapped out for me. I supported my husband in the decisions that he made and didn't really have to figure out things for myself. Thank Heavens~
When she comes to me for advice I give her my honest opinion but also follow it up with reassurance that whatever she chooses I will support her. She is my best friend... Both sister are. Her faith, love, and commitment to life amaze me. I can't believe she really is my baby sister... How did I get so lucky to have her as my sister? I just hope I can live my life in a way for her to follow... The things that I have learned from her have helped me so much and I constantly sit back in aw, knowing that this little girl is 6 years younger then me, teaching me things that I should already know... So Nicki, Thank you... Thanks for being you... The funny, outgoing, crazy, fun, adventurous, beautiful, amazing girl that you are... Without you I don't know what life would be like... And here you are, almost 21... Almost a legal adult... Where did the time go? By the way... Where is your blog???? I have been asking you to do it for weeks now... If you don't do it I am going to get really really really MAD!!!!!

When she comes to me for advice I give her my honest opinion but also follow it up with reassurance that whatever she chooses I will support her. She is my best friend... Both sister are. Her faith, love, and commitment to life amaze me. I can't believe she really is my baby sister... How did I get so lucky to have her as my sister? I just hope I can live my life in a way for her to follow... The things that I have learned from her have helped me so much and I constantly sit back in aw, knowing that this little girl is 6 years younger then me, teaching me things that I should already know... So Nicki, Thank you... Thanks for being you... The funny, outgoing, crazy, fun, adventurous, beautiful, amazing girl that you are... Without you I don't know what life would be like... And here you are, almost 21... Almost a legal adult... Where did the time go? By the way... Where is your blog???? I have been asking you to do it for weeks now... If you don't do it I am going to get really really really MAD!!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007
A few pictures from the state fair

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tag, It's my turn...
Kati was getting mad that I have not done this yet, so here it goes...
Jobs That I Have Had...
My fist job ever was at the Oakley Polar King... I worked there from age 14-18. This is also the place where I lost my finger... (Yes, Both my husband and I are missing a finger.) Trust me, that is the first thing I checked when I had my baby!!!
After I got married I took a job at the yearbook company Herff Jones in Logan. I edited yearbooks and helped arrange photos... I HATED this job... If I could change on job I have ever had, I would have never worked here~
I worked at a Pediatric Clinic in Logan where I did all of the billing... Well, I guess not all of the billing, I entered all of the charges. This was my most useful job... This job prepared me for my future of running my husbands office. Without this job I would not be able to do what I do... Thanks to Carol for training me so well... I also learned a lot about kids so I have to say I'm not to paranoid as a mother... I know when to call the doctor and when it's no big deal...
While living in Oregon the only jobs I had were working for Eye Doctors. The first job was at Hillsboro Eye Clinic where I worked for 8 doctors and then I downsized and went to a clinic with just one doctor... I learned to edge the lenses, and work patients up for the doctor...
When I moved back to Utah I was sick of working in the Medical field so I worked at the Park City Marriott... I did several things there... Worked at the front desk, was a reservations agent but my favorite was being a waitress in the restaraunt... I loved doing this... I made a ton of money in little time!
Now I just work for the hubby two days a week... Tough Life I know...
Place to go for a weekend getaway...
Lava Hot Springs, The Uintah Mountains Camping, Las Vegas.
Movies I could watch over and over:
10 things I hate about you
Tommy Boy
Meet the Parents
Guilty Pleasures...
Reading... I read about two books a week... I like pretty much anything but my favorites are James Patterson, Anita Stansfield, Rachel Ann Nunes, Michele Ashman Bell, and of course the Stephanie Meyers series... Can't she write those any faster???
Places I have lived:
Utah, Oregon, Hawaii, & Colorado
1st thing I thought of when I saw my husband:
He is so Hot.... I just want one date with him... My family didn't know his real name for about a month because I just called him Hot Boy!
Place I have been on Vacation:
Catalina Island
I'm working on going to Fiji but the husband isn't going for it.
Favorite Foods:
Anything from La Casita, Salad from the Claim Jumper, Prime Rib (that we have for Thanksgiving because my Nana dis-likes the turkey guy!
In A Jam with the husband, Tactic to get out of it?
CRY!!!! The lip quiver kills him and the baby girl inherited that from me so he is so DEAD!!!
Places I would rather be right now...
Hawaii, Fiji, Anywhere warm with a beach!
Who sent this to me?
I tag whoever is bored and feels like doing it....
Jobs That I Have Had...
My fist job ever was at the Oakley Polar King... I worked there from age 14-18. This is also the place where I lost my finger... (Yes, Both my husband and I are missing a finger.) Trust me, that is the first thing I checked when I had my baby!!!
After I got married I took a job at the yearbook company Herff Jones in Logan. I edited yearbooks and helped arrange photos... I HATED this job... If I could change on job I have ever had, I would have never worked here~
I worked at a Pediatric Clinic in Logan where I did all of the billing... Well, I guess not all of the billing, I entered all of the charges. This was my most useful job... This job prepared me for my future of running my husbands office. Without this job I would not be able to do what I do... Thanks to Carol for training me so well... I also learned a lot about kids so I have to say I'm not to paranoid as a mother... I know when to call the doctor and when it's no big deal...
While living in Oregon the only jobs I had were working for Eye Doctors. The first job was at Hillsboro Eye Clinic where I worked for 8 doctors and then I downsized and went to a clinic with just one doctor... I learned to edge the lenses, and work patients up for the doctor...
When I moved back to Utah I was sick of working in the Medical field so I worked at the Park City Marriott... I did several things there... Worked at the front desk, was a reservations agent but my favorite was being a waitress in the restaraunt... I loved doing this... I made a ton of money in little time!
Now I just work for the hubby two days a week... Tough Life I know...
Place to go for a weekend getaway...
Lava Hot Springs, The Uintah Mountains Camping, Las Vegas.
Movies I could watch over and over:
10 things I hate about you
Tommy Boy
Meet the Parents
Guilty Pleasures...
Reading... I read about two books a week... I like pretty much anything but my favorites are James Patterson, Anita Stansfield, Rachel Ann Nunes, Michele Ashman Bell, and of course the Stephanie Meyers series... Can't she write those any faster???
Places I have lived:
Utah, Oregon, Hawaii, & Colorado
1st thing I thought of when I saw my husband:
He is so Hot.... I just want one date with him... My family didn't know his real name for about a month because I just called him Hot Boy!
Place I have been on Vacation:
Catalina Island
I'm working on going to Fiji but the husband isn't going for it.
Favorite Foods:
Anything from La Casita, Salad from the Claim Jumper, Prime Rib (that we have for Thanksgiving because my Nana dis-likes the turkey guy!
In A Jam with the husband, Tactic to get out of it?
CRY!!!! The lip quiver kills him and the baby girl inherited that from me so he is so DEAD!!!
Places I would rather be right now...
Hawaii, Fiji, Anywhere warm with a beach!
Who sent this to me?
I tag whoever is bored and feels like doing it....
Saturday, September 8, 2007
I can Think Of So Many Things I would have rather done on Saturday...
So just like the title of the post says... I really can think of a million other things I could have done today instead of spending 4 hours in the ER with my husband... I received the call at 1:30 from my little hubby... He decided he wanted to pretend like he was a logger again and was helping his brother cuts some trees down... Well, a log fell on top of his head and somehow hurt his finger as well... When he called me he "conveniently" left out the part of a log landing on top of his head. When he got in the car and I asked him which hospital we should go to, he stated we probably needed to go to the "U" because they would need to take a look at his head as well. That's when I saw the blood... His finger looked so gross. It was so bent out of place that it didn't even look like a finger. After x-rays to confirm it wasn't broken they came in, numbed it up and popped it into place... The first attempt was un-successful because a student was trying to do it and she just didn't have enough strength to get it pushed back in so the PA had to do it. His head was fine, he just has a massive goose egg on it and a major headache... So I am just grateful it wasn't worse then it was... Thanks to Nicki and Nate for coming to get the baby girl so I didn't have to entertain her at the ER... Hopefully next time he tries to be a logger he will remember this... (Really you would have thought after cutting his finger off, that he would realize what a dumb idea it was to go cut trees down.)
Here's the gash on his head... The little black thing on the top is bark...
It really was so gross... You should have seen the X-Ray
Legally flipping people off...
So that was my day... Ever since he turned 31 he has really been falling apart... It's a good thing we have life insurance on him now... So I just noticed that you can see both logging injuries on this picture... Notice the cut off thumb!!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Nicki's Band...

So I added Nicki's bands Music to my blog... They write all their own music and Nicki is the singer on all the songs... They will be preforming at the State Fair this coming Sunday... Click on the songs at the very bottom of the page and listen... My favorite song is Waiting...
And You're Away... Just double click on the song that you want to listen to and it will start playing.... I'm Just so Proud!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Staci Needs...
So Kati was starting to feel really bad that nobody did her tag thing so I decided I better do it... It was actually pretty funny.... Here are my top finds...
5 - Staci Needs to get warm and snuggle for those cold winter days and nights!
4- Staci needs to shave by the looks of her avitar...
3- Staci needs bigger fields to run and fish to fry!
2 - Staci needs to get a meddle (I'm pretty sure this should actually be medal) for being such an awesome friend...
1- Staci needs to go up and stop hiding behind the whole i'm black and i'ma girl so poop soup!
So now Kati can't say I never did anything for her~~~
5 - Staci Needs to get warm and snuggle for those cold winter days and nights!
4- Staci needs to shave by the looks of her avitar...
3- Staci needs bigger fields to run and fish to fry!
2 - Staci needs to get a meddle (I'm pretty sure this should actually be medal) for being such an awesome friend...
1- Staci needs to go up and stop hiding behind the whole i'm black and i'ma girl so poop soup!
So now Kati can't say I never did anything for her~~~
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Sienna being a cheeser
We took Sienna to get her 6 month old pictures... These are not the finished product... We are going to edit them and fix the lighting on some and crop others but I am so happy at my Sister Kati... She did the most amazing job... Of course it made it easy because Sienna was such a cheeser the entire time... I'm not kidding she did not stop smiling once... I just can't pick my favorite and these are just a few... We took 250 shots... I'm going to have to go through them one by one and figure out which ones I want printed... I just wanted to post some on the blog... And let me just give Kati a shout out for also making all of her matching bows and the TuTu... And also for being a very cheap photogropher... She's the best!!! Love ya Kate, nobody would be able to capture my daughter this way if it was just some random photogropher in a studio

I love the way my hubby looks at her like she is the best thing ever!!! I fell in love with him all over again the minute he started crying when she was born!
Cousin Haleigh Pushing Sienna.
Another picture of him admiring his baby girl!
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