Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I found My House!

So I have been trying to find the house that I want for years... And FINALLY I found it... Now keep in mind it will be a smaller version of this but this is the main idea... (Let's just give a big thank you that I married into a logging family and inherited a little property overlooking Woodland from my daddy...) I 'm really trying to talk Steve into building but he's just not going for it... When he graduated he told me that we could build a house in 5 years... Now every time I ask him he keeps telling me 5 years... What I don't understand is that we have now been out of school for 2 years so technically we should be able to build in 3 years, right???? He's such a brat!

P.S. Daddy... Why don't you ever leave comments???? The McNeil dad leaves comments so you should too!!! HE HE


Anonymous said...

Wow, you and Steve should get right on that house building project because is he wants you to be happy I think that house would do the trick!!! Oh don't feel bad I see my own sister-in-law comments on your blog and not on mine!! (Yes you Patrice)

The Gunnerson Family said...

Staci, it is good to have goals for your future. Rick and I also have our house all picked out, and everytime we are in Utah we visit the property where someday we will build it. All we need now is a job in Utah and lots and lots of money! Anyone know where we can get that?

Giselle Rasheta said...

Wow, that house is awesome, Staci! Keep on him...Steve seems like a pretty nice guy, and if he's anything like my husband, you'll get your way soon enough.