So my baby girl is going in to get tubes in her ears... The doctor said that she has been on too many antibiotics and it's time to get it done... I'm happy because then she won't be miserable anymore, but also a little scared... We'll see how it goes!
Cute sweet baby Sienna. I know just how you feel sis! Being a mom is so hard when it comes to things like this. Everyone will tell you that is is "no big deal"....I say...it is a big deal, because that is your baby! She will do great, I trusted that doc with my own baby girl. We will get our sweet happy baby Bienna back!
It is scary and you have every right to feel that way. She is better off, except she won't be able to have those totally "fish" baths and go swimming until the doc takes those out or they fall out -- but thank goodness for those doctors -- right Steve?
I had tubes for a long time, Staci. I didn't learn to swim until after I was about 8 years old, because it was too much of a pain to deal with the earplugs I always had to wear and being so cautious! I caught up to everyone else quickly, and other than that, I never remember having any problems.
However, Sienna will probably get annoyed later on in life when everytime she goes to the doctor they inform her that she has scars in her ears, and why, she must have had tubes! For real, I've heard that same surprised expression from so many doctors. It's not that uncommon, is it?
I hope everything goes well...it will be worth it to have your baby be well. Good luck!
Sad! But I guess it is happy, too...if it means she won't have to deal with ear issues anymore. We are thinking about her cute little face...keep us posted.
Staci, If it helps you will be thankful. I have had to deal with too many sleepless nights because of ear infections! We only want what is best for our girls!!!
Yeah for Sienna! Let us know how it goes.
Tubes are a good thing. If your Doc is saying she needs them I would go for it. I would rather put up with tubes than ear infections. My girls have not had a lot (thank goodness) but I will tell you when I worked and saw the difference from kids with ear infections to after with tubes it was a big difference. I will be thinking of cute Sieena. (And mom)
Holly Crap I just realized we are moms. We ar talking about our kids getting tubes, didn't we just graduate?
Good luck with the tubes! I hope they make her feel better so she can be that cute, happy girl she is! I love the new coat and can't wait tll the Christmas dress makes its debut!
Staci, I hope everything is okay with your baby! It is so unsettling to see them upset and sick. The mother's instinct is amazing. Okay, you know your kid is cute when she is like totally cuter than the doll she is holding. Good luck!
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