Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Surgery Was A Success!!!

They put her in these little tiny scrubs... You can't tell in the picture but they were HUGE on her. I had to roll them A LOT...
I just love the picture below... It's from the day that Sienna was born... She has adored her father from the minute that she saw him... I'm pretty sure there's nothing like a father and his baby girl!

The Surgery was a success... Sienna did so good. The night before the surgery Steve gave her a fathers blessing. I'm pretty sure it was the cutest thing I had ever seen. We waited until she fell asleep, but the minute Steve started talking she woke up. She was looking up at her daddy with her big eyes and all of a sudden she made this big sigh noise, to try and get his attention. She usually does that in the morning with me because I put her in bed with me around 6:00 a.m. to feed her and then I fall back asleep. When she wakes up, that is how she gets my attention. So she saw Steve's eyes closed and she was trying to get his attention. I felt pretty good about everything and was pretty grateful I had a cute husband who could put me at ease.
I thought the morning of the surgery would be harder then it was. I wasn't supposed to feed her after midnight and I thought she would freak out in the morning when she couldn't eat. We did a pretty good job of distracting her so all went well. The doctor came into get her and she was all smiles... (poor little thing, she had no idea what she was in for.) She's so busy and has to see everything, so she thought it was great that someone was taking her out of the little room that we were stuck in. The whole thing from the time they took her from me, until the time they brought her back was only 15 minutes... When they brought her back in she was just fine, until she saw me... Then she had a total MELTDOWN!!!! She screamed for about an hour and a half straight... It was really sad. I have never heard her scream that much or that hard!!! It really did break my heart. We took her home and coddled her ALL DAY!!! When she woke up from her nap she was just fine! And it's only been two days and I can already tell that she feels better... So all in all, I'm pretty glad that we did it... Hopefully NO MORE EAR INFECTIONS!!!


Kati said...

Sweet little baby. I just love her and I hope this makes her feel better. She is such a great baby! Even at her worst...she is still amazing! You and Steve are such great parents! She is one lucky little girl.
Love you guys!

Kath said...

I'm so glad it went well! Every time I see her little face on your blog it makes me happy! I know I say this on every comment I make but I really can't get over her cuteness! She is ADORABLE and I can't wait to see her!

Billie Sue said...

It's so fun to read your thoughts and know what good parents you and Steve are. What a wonderful world, so full of good, good people we know and love. Glad she is doing so well!

michelle said...

So glad she did so good on the ears . She will probably be a total different babe. She is so cute !!!!There is nothing like your first born, it is the best !!!! And about the whole crawling thing, it is hard but you get used to it. Just baby proof now before she starts getting into your cuboards. Once they start moving they never quit. Glad you posted a comment on my blog, That is the best part, and alot of my friends don't blog so I think of you as a friend hope you don't mind. P.s. GO BONA SIGNS!!! HA !HA !

Chelsea Johnson said...

Wow-I'm quite behind on all your posts--I've been a little preoccupied! I'm glad the surgery went well! I know I say it a million times, but she is so cute and adorable! I love all the pictures!