Wednesday, October 3, 2007

To The Blog Stalker...

I am feeling a little left out because the blog stalker has not been leaving me messages and I feel that this is not very nice of you... If you're going to stalk my siblings you should stalk me. So I went and googled blog stalker and this is what came up... I hope you are not as scary as this...


slymer said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

My dear Spacey Staci, I am sorry I have been leaving you out. I was kinda wondering if you and the Doc just want to borrow my house plans ! HA! HA! I have actually been in to your blog several times just to view your strikingly beautiful child. I just need my Sienna fix. So if I made you feel left out.....please except my are my favorite partner. As far as the picture....I think they are pretty close, does that look like MaryKay mascara?

Love ya tons! The BLOGstalker!